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Dreadlocks Forums

dreaducation, comprehensive guide to all things dready

Stephen Morrow
13 years ago
1 posts
updated by @stephen-morrow: 07/27/15 11:45:38AM
jarvis zawistowski
13 years ago
31 posts
i've started on the neglect method about a week ago no dreads yet. but i'm just waiting and well even know you guys probs wouldn't know him. i want dreads like early korn's jonathan davis dreads and i was wondering how the hell i get them like that and also my hair is only around 7 inches should i start dreads now or wait awhile? thanks bye
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

start now i dunno who korn is but i think someone mentioned them b4 and i looked em up and they looked totaly weird

but cant remember ill look again

ok guess i was thinkin of someone else haha his look ok think they look natural to me

but at least 3 years old so how u get em is grow em a few years

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts
whenever you want couple days is fine

jasmine<3 said:
thank you you helped so much considering i'm new to my dreadies. how long should i wait to wash them the 1st time?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
jarvis zawistowski
13 years ago
31 posts
thanks man also i have to start looking for a job soon so should i tell them my future plans on dreads or not?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts
nah unless they bring it up i wouldnt however when your about to start dreading tell your boss your going to dread abd why and your reasons for wanting to do it naturaly (if yur doing it that way) tell them what you can, and cannot do toi look presentable..dont ask permission just explain whart your planning to do

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
jarvis zawistowski
13 years ago
31 posts
natural/ neglect method and by the time i apply for a job they will be resonably dready so i guess they will see
jarvis zawistowski
13 years ago
31 posts
how long would it take for my hair to actually look like dreads cause it's been only a week and it's just like randomly sticking together and it just looks greasy instead of dready?
Josh Blew
13 years ago
4 posts
I'm not sure where to ask a question, so I'll just ask here: If you look at my picture, you can see my hair as of Christmas 2010 (standing with my mom). I am 34 with a receding hairline. I had dreadlocks in high school, when it was easier to just go without washing, but I was wondering how someone with the hair I have, namely me, can grow natty dreadlocks. Thank you for your time!!!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

u do want to wash them just let them dread stop combing wash with something dread freindly no conditioners and let them dread start to seperate as they dread

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