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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

dreaducation, comprehensive guide to all things dready

14 years ago
3 posts
I did the backcombing method and was told, for maintenance, to palm roll and rub clockwise. I didn't really listen so my dreads are tight near the root and the tip but the middle section is not tight and so I guess that's why they have these "hooks" as if the hair was folded. What can i do about that?? I have been undoing them from the the bottom and backcombed that section then I put the elastic at the tip again. I have been using dreadhead hq's products as well and i am running out of the shampoo but after reading this I'll use the baking soda/water mix.
updated by @lirablanca: 07/22/15 12:18:48PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
u nevcer want elastics in them u never wantto use any hooks and u bever want to use dreadheadhq products

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Tony le Bone
14 years ago
1 posts
wat aloe vera do you use and how do you use it ??
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
aloe vera straight from the plant or aloe vera that has nothing at all in it but aloe if theres even 1 other ingredient u dont want itand u can add to a rince u can spray on in a diluted spray or wipe on

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
55 posts
If you go to a nursery or plant store, or even a home depot/lowes/walmart if there are none in your area, or even a lot of grocery stores. Aloe plants are really easy to find, a lot easier than finding pure aloe gel, a lot cheaper, safer, and if you take care of it the plant (pretty low maintenance for a plant) will just keep pumping out the aloe. Hooray for regeneration!Just pull one of the new buds off the bottom edge of the plant, straight out of the soil. Don't break it. Should pull out rather easily, actually. Then split it down straight down the middle with a knife and scrape the gel out. You can also just break it in the middle and squeeze the gel out but you always leave some behind if you do it like that. Aloe plants are so versatile. Good for burns, wounds, muscle aches, makes a good hair gel or dread conditioner, also makes a refreshing drink if the gel is prepared properly.Just make sure you actually have an aloe plant. There are a lot of cacti out there that look very similar to aloe. Most are bad for you and some are even poisonous. If you are unsure just ask someone at the store, or if you are still uncomfortable just make sure the plant you are buying is labeled.Fun stuff. :)
14 years ago
2 posts
wow! I can't believe I purchased wax, until I started loosing hair. This really makes sense. Thank you!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts

if it wasnt for the marketting scams...would anyone purchase wax to put in dreads? it makes no sense unless u fall for all the marketting crap

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
3 posts
I want to leave my tips loose but on a few of them it seems that they are "being eaten by the dreadlock" itself. Should i pull them down??
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
some might u might as well let themj do what they want to do and noght fight nature

LiraBlanca said:
I want to leave my tips loose but on a few of them it seems that they are "being eaten by the dreadlock" itself. Should i pull them down??

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
2 posts
guilty, but thanks, I know have a littlealoe gel!

soaringeagle said:

if it wasnt for the marketting scams...would anyone purchase wax to put in dreads? it makes no sense unless u fall for all the marketting crap

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