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Dreadlocks Forums

Getting my Whole head done soon very stoked but...

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

are you working on getting that wax out now?

updated by @baba-fats: 07/23/15 02:35:43AM
Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
I'm gonna try later tonight when I wash them
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

washing wont get the wax out. There's a method up top under dreaducation that outlines the best way to remove it. it deals with dawn dish soap and boiling water. You've got to soak each lock for a few minutes in the water to melt the wax. It can take some time. multiple attempts over a period of weeks to months. It's worth it though. You wont have to worry about rot, mold, or random bits of lints and crap getting stuck to your hair

Cristin Nessen
12 years ago
158 posts
yeah I'll definitely look into that and start the process. It's crazy how long the wax lingers. I wish I woulda never used it. Thanks!
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

no problem. Good luck

12 years ago
8 posts

i have pretty fine hair, but a lot of it.i used tnr. i recommend tnr with no wax. mine looked very fuzzy to start, but after a month or two they knotted up and are very nice. here is a sample dread. they are 3 1/2 months old now

Chii Rising
12 years ago
13 posts

I hear ya on the frustration of sectioning out the back/top part, but I agree with the others that, being from a salon, the lady will most likely misuse some good intentions and end up trying to "fix" fuzzy-looking t&r locks with whatever methods are already familiar to her. Plus, it feels so much more empowering if you do them all by yourself.

I really recommend finding a friend that understands basic shapes, and having them point out if you make a section that is misshapen or too large. Plus, you won't have to pay them as much. Good luck!

Castaway J
12 years ago
585 posts

YEAH dude get a friend to help you out, my buddy did his a week before i threw away the comb, he did tnr and had our friend help him section and tnr the back. his hair is possibly more fine than yours to. His tnr dreads held very well and they are looking very very good at this point. dont try n fix fuzzies or control them. let them do what they want, youll see that its not that bad once you let em go :)

Alex Pohl
12 years ago
1 posts

get a dread perm I got a dread perm my dreads are actually pretty healthy. dreads perm don't ruin your hair ifthey're done right they are no more damaging than a regular perm. the best place to go to get a dread perm is the hair police where the dread perm was invited the way they do the dread perm is only good dread perm method. T N R didn't work for me at all. let the woman back comb your hair but not use wax.Tell her to use knotty boydread tightening gel I useditwhen I waspalm rolling my dreads when I first got them 10 months ago, it washes out easily and it's one of the only products I'd put in my dreads. good luck dreading.

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