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Wax For Dreads The Dreadwax Scam Exposed

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
9 years ago
29,641 posts

Wax for dreads is dreadwax really a scam?

It's hard to believe that people still believe wax like beeswax or dread wax can be used safely in dreads. It's even harder to believe that these companies that sell wax can still convince some people it's helpfull.

Is dreadwax a scam? Absolutely yes! So it is time to expose the scam once and for all.

Wax for dreads, the claims they make

  • Dread wax helps dreads mature in months: The truth is far different then the claim. While dreadwax can make dreads appear to be 'mature' fast, it prevents proper dreading, partialy, or completely. The reason is, dread wax glues the hair together, then hardens making them apear tight and mature, but dread wax prevents the hairs movement, and ability to form knots. This hinders the dreading process and may prevent it entirely. (jonny clean from dreadheadhq in a debate said "it's true that wax prevents the formation of new knots, thats why its important to backcomb thouroughly to start, wax then holds those knots into place so they can set in" in other words, it glues the hair in place, then hardens, and may never be any more dreaded then they were the day you backcombed)
  • Dread wax is needed to get dreads started: They claim dreadwax should be used in every method, including natural (just letting the hair dread on its own). This can't be farther from the truth, not only is it not needed for any method, it is detrimental to every method. Most people report their hair did not even start to dread till the wax was removed.
  • Don't use shampoos with residue, but use wax: Ummmm ok.. Why more people don't question this is beyond me.. Just proves the power of marketting to prevent you from thinking. They claim scent is residue, scent wich must be airborn aka evaporating to be sensed. But then say a waterproof thick wax that hardens and resists all efforts to wash it out are just fine to use. There have been cases (before developed wax b gone) where wax was used only once, then would not wash out evgen after a decade of regular washings.
  • Dread wax lets you wash your hair without fear: This one makes me laugh! First off, all dreads should be washed regularly, but gently at 1st, it's washinjg that makes them dread! Secondly this is proof that wax doesn't just wash out, even with intence scrubbing. Dread wax since it doesn't wash out, is sticky, and hydrophobic (repels water) it traps dirt in the wax wich never washes out, so you might feel more confident washing and not wsashing out knots (that are glued in wax) but that washing is not getting your hair clean!

Wax for dreads the real results from dread wax use.


 This is the inside of a waxed dread. a few facts about this particular dread:

  1. This dread was only waxed 4 times, in the 1st 2 months, using 1/4 the recomended amount of dread wax.
  2. Four years of washings, boilings and attempts to remove the dread wax left this inside.
  3. This dread once cut was easily pulled apart with fingers ..It was not dreaded after 4 years.
  4. What's not shown is (I lost the photo) after it was split in 2 ,it was palm rolled for 14 seconds and glued itself back together with the 4 year old leftover wax! It looked like a perfect dread again, no visible sign it had been split. Proving the wax onlyglues it together to look like a dread.

A more detailed view.

The black hard looking spots are dirt stuck in hardened wax.

Dread wax, because it traps water and dirt causing a swamp like condition inside dreads is a breeding ground for mold and mildew sometimes called dread rot. These dreads were waxed with dread wax exactly as directed.


Dread wax and maturity

The claim is that dread wax makes dreads mature faster. But, jonny clean of dreadheadhq a leading wax pusher suggested an experiment to determine "maturity" wich involved a lever that squeezed a dread measuring the weight needed to indent it so far.. This effectively measured how hard a dread was.. Not how mature. Dread wax hardens over time. Palm rolling compresses hair into hardened wax making it seem mature because its hard.

Dreads, real mature dreads that is should be soft, should be able to easily pinch it and have your fingers  squeeze in around 1/2 way they are slightly firm, yes, but never hard.

Waxed dreads also appear stiff, often able to stand straight up defying gravity.

Dreadwax experiences

These are the experiences of many of our members (and I would invite others to share thier experiences below)

All these experiences can be found on this site in the forums and blogs.

One member had waxed  her dreads early on, then not again for 10 years, the waxed ends never dreaded in 10 years, she did wax removal and saw more progress in 2 weeks then the entire 10 years with wax in them.

One member had gone to several salons, they did everything wrong you can do including lots of dread wax. Over the next 2 years she spent $5,000 at salons, and $5,000 on medical bills, multiple courses of antibiotics, and several surgical procedures due to infected breakouts caused by the wax. 1 week after wax removal her skin cleared up, her hair finaly started to dread, and she cancled her next already scheduled surgery.

This was on facebook, not on this site, but is shocking. Someone who waxed often had flies lay eggs in the wax, hatch into maggots wich startedto eat his scalp wich was rotting due to the wax caked on it.

One of our featured members had 3/4 of his hair just fall out from wax use, almost like the wax had melted or dissolved his hair.

The last 2 were not typical experiences but most dread wax experiences are horrors.

Search the site and you will find hundreds if not thousands of cases where dreads had to be cut due to dread wax use (before created wax b gone)

6 years ago when dreadlockssite was started, 40-50% who joined had used wax and were looking for ways to recover.

Today we are proud to say largely due to our influence those who join and have made the dread wax mistake are fewer then 1 in 20, and are reduced every month.

Today even some of the most harmful locticians refuse to use wax, and only the most misinformed, or unethical are willing to use or recomend dread wax use.


If you used dread wax in the past, please share your experiences here.

Let the truth be known, Dread wax is a scam!

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 08/23/15 10:14:40PM
Susan Diana
9 years ago
7 posts

Wow. Those pictures are really disguesting. I can't even imagine having something like that stuck in my hair. That poor person has my sympathies!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
9 years ago
29,641 posts

poor person/ thanks to  dread wax  pushers its hundreds of thosands of poor persons

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Susan Diana
9 years ago
7 posts

I can't believe that salons still keep advocating wax! I mean they must know the effects. But then again, my hairdresser, who I USED to trust completely, wanted to use wax on my hair as well, so who knows.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
9 years ago
29,641 posts

look at the debate we had with jonny clean when he faced  hundreds who shaved their heads due to wax including a prego woman who was dealing with not only weight gairn but dread loss and baldness

he then admitted every claim we made promiced to reform, created a beta site selling wax free kits but still recomends wax  left and right

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Susan Diana
9 years ago
7 posts

That's awful! I just don't understand somebody like that. It's got to be about money. People seem to lose their conscience whenever there's a buck to made. I mean, what else could it be?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
9 years ago
29,641 posts

well a few years ago a member saw  a house jonny clean was selling keep in mind its him and his gf  15 bedrooms 10 1/2 baths  indoor pool sauna  etc

not sure if  he was selling it to get a bigger 1 or cause of us wax sales were down and he couldnt afford it no more

we joked around that he neeed 15 bedrooms and 10 1/2 baths cause wax clogged the pipes and coated the sheets so much they had to rotate the use of the rooms while the rest were being deewaxed

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Susan Diana
9 years ago
7 posts

Oh boy! There must be good money (unfortunately) in creating waxed dreads! Blood money though, I'm sure, to the people who have had to live with the results. Like I said, no conscience when there's money involved.

Susan Diana
9 years ago
7 posts

Jeeze, I really need to post an updated picture. That pic is from about a year ago when I had just gotten my first dread.


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
9 years ago
29,641 posts

post a new timeline

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