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Dreadlocks Forums
Marisa Lynn Reeves
11 years ago
1 posts

Hello forum, I need tips and advice on my new dreads. Any would be helpful!

thanks heaps

updated by @marisa-lynn-reeves: 01/13/15 09:51:07PM
11 years ago
44 posts

well hun, give us info on your dreads so we all know what you need advice on! How did you start them, did you use products, etc......what kind of advice are ya lookin for? We're all here to guide each other! :)

11 years ago
89 posts

I'm assuming you used dread wax and a kit. If you are at a few days redo it, or get dread wax removal, do that.. then a dance,

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

start over the wax and kits a scam and destroys dreads

u got to get all that crap oi=ut wich is extremely haerd to do

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