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Best steps to further the life of my waxy locs ! (hopefully un-waxed to be)

Tiberius Alexander
12 years ago
2 posts

So just for starters I had my dreads started with Bees Wax the first week of December 2011. Since then I have used a l lot ofknottyboy dread wax (like almost a whole case) as told to by a fellowtraveller. I palm rolled with it very often to get rid of the many loops and bumps I thought I was a "victim" to. Also for the last 3 weeks I have had regular elastic bands wrapped close to my roots to section off all loose hairs into the dread I wanted them in.I took them out yesterday afterreceivingsome information here on the site. My dreads are super hard where the wax/elastics were. I was thinking apple cidervinegar w/ hot soaks after trying to hot iron the wax into the paper towel. Theknottyboy I was given did seem to help with the loops but only if I re-applied often.Its super funny because when I had not used wax for a while the ocean made my dreads soft and flow like it was actually hair. That was the way I pictured them in the first place.


Here are my questions and really just open to hear your thoughts !

What are the best home remedies that you have heard of or tried out yourself to remove all or most of the wax ?

Will my dreads un-lock when the wax comes out, and if so what do I do?

*will upload pictures when I am back InCanada!

updated by @tiberius-alexander: 01/13/15 09:22:53PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

home remedies might not be enough if u used that much

this us not gonna be easy so we are going to prescribr a series of steps

but 1sr-=t it deopends og=n how lik dreading occured they will soften maybe loosen i doubt they will fall apart completely

but no matter what they will dread waybetter when wax free as in more then 1 jar?

like dozens of jars?

im scared

umm would u concider starting fresh comb ouyt and start wax free i know its been what 4 or 5 months butthey will be waty better og=ff since u used so much

but ok lets assume thats not an option

oh 1st let me tekl u lopops dont need fixing

loops are dreads dreadung

ok bacjk to waxz

start with vinager soaks undiluted and squhyyeze it out the ends then very hot water and loads of dawn dish sosp

repeat that till they soften

then get the wax remover from

use that..when u think the wax is all gone keep usimng facft id say use it till its gone

just cause u used sooo much wax it will be very bver y hard to get it all and beeswax is extra hard to remove so u got to go to extremes to get it out

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Tiberius Alexander
12 years ago
2 posts

didn'tmean to startle you ! haha about 7/8 of a single one of this exact jar :

Also I do not really feel like combing however if the wax does not come out completely I will probably do so.

Muchas gracias !

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

ok u said case not jar i wass picturing 15-20 jars and aboyt 10 pounds of wax haha

ok well follow those steps use the wax b gone and im sure you can get it all out

the wax b gone will do a good job but nmight take a few uses to get it all

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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