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Salt wash ?

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Teisha, you should do an ACV rinse after using baking soda, otherwise the BS will slowly fry, dry out the hair and it is not noticeable at first. ACV balances the hairs PH and is also a safe conditioner for forming dreads. ACV is not necessary after every BS wash for people with naturally oily hair and scalp, once every week or two might be okay. Hope this helps....Peace

Teisha smith said:

I just do the bs rinse so far haven't done the acv rinse yet but I'm going to next wash coz my scalp is so itchy still, can I add the same oils to the acv rinse as I did the bs rinse ? (:

updated by @the-barrellady: 07/26/15 08:24:04PM
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