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[HELP] what is the best way for me to make my new growth knot up?

15 years ago
15 posts
hello familywhat is the best way for me to get my new growth to dread?i got really silky hair, its like silk when you touch it haha so its actually really hard to dread i guess, ive been told so before by my hairdresser. and therefore i was stupid enough to take a dreadperm wich has made my hair hard dry and nasty what about my new growth wich is so silky and smooth? will rubbing the hair to your scalp work? (root rubbing) isnt it bad for your dreads?will keeping them in a hat lock them faster/better?and im struggeling with an itchy scalp and alot of dandruff wich is really nasty, i dont want my locks to be dirty, ive used a shampoo called "at one with nature dry itchy scalp shampoo, but once when i stopped using it, it came back.......i kinda struggle with a little bit of anxiety so im often stressed in my mind and can become a little depressed...and ive heard that can cause dandruff and stuff......well well enough about my lifestory hahaive also heard that alove/alovera or whatever its called is really good for your dreads but isnt there anyway i can get it without buying a big plant? like in a bottle or something, i live in norway so i bet i gotta shop on the net lolthanks in advanceodin
updated by @odin: 02/14/15 06:18:13AM
15 years ago
58 posts
Hard too see with those pictures but just let them be ur roots would dread eventually just takes some time.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
nooo never interlock you were already screwed by the dread perm interlockings probly the next worse thinbg you can do (dread perm worse then felting then interlocking and crochet..all terribly basd for dreads)just leave em be all dreading happens at the roots oncce formed they need some loose hairt there to can be an inch even more but thasts totaly normal and new growtrh has no other option but to takes care of itself perfectly dont fussd with it..and definately dont interlock unless u want them to break right off

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
844 posts
hmm, how long is your new growth? at one point i had a lock that had close to 4inches of loose completely straight hair with a long lock at the end., in time it can lock like mine did,you can try root rubbing if you like, just don't do it aggressively, I still don't think it does much, but as long as your not rough you shouldn't be doing anything harmfull to it,as far as your scalp goes, check out the baking soda, or a natural liquid soap (like Dr Bronners) and add Tea Tree oil to it, I love this stuff after using it, its great for dandruff,and it's possible to get pure aloe, however unless you have a healthstore around you that sell the pure unfiltered gel, you may have to grow your own plants.
15 years ago
844 posts
here's an example of how mine used to be, where my finger is in the 2nd picture was ALL completely Normal hair at one point, I thought I was gonna have to comb it out and start over,originally just be4 where my finger was i covered in about 2-3 small rubberbands hoping that it might help, after a few months of that I noticed the hair underneath the bands was locking up better and took all the bands out, you can see its locked up completely now though,

(oh if the pics come out way to big just lemme know ill repost in smaller format, i just uploaded from my comp)
updated by @iain: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
lil slow download for me but its okon the rubber bandsif the roots are really giving u trouble and keep doing it for months dont use rubber bands instead use a bead, or hair wraprubber bands cause too much problems

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
844 posts
yeah definitely the better way to go, after getting a few of them they are so much more useful and they let your hair act appropriately instead of making them feel awkward and unrealistically tight to the roots
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
hair wraos can be simple wraps or more decorative knotwork (chevy wants to do a tutorial soon as we get things more settled down and she has time tio)another great alternative is a peyote stitch..more comfy then hard beads and very decorative and more permanent then a wrap

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
brooke blinebry
14 years ago
13 posts
Iam not sure what a dread purm is but if its what i think that is what is causing the dry scalp...maybe try to give your scalp back some oil with a natural tint-ture...tee-tree, lavender.sandlwood..whatever you like diluted in water. My hair is "silky" as you say..and the new growth is hard to keep tight...i find that a hat or bandanna on when i sleep helps them lock up fast. This is my third set and i think the best thing you can do is keep your hair healthy and strong.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
teatree can help in very small amounts, more and iut hurts adds to drynessbest to mix jojoba with olive oil (jojoba is the closest tio natural skin oils, olive oil just helps spread it further) brooke blinebry said:
Iam not sure what a dread purm is but if its what i think that is what is causing the dry scalp...maybe try to give your scalp back some oil with a natural tint-ture...tee-tree, lavender.sandlwood..whatever you like diluted in water. My hair is "silky" as you say..and the new growth is hard to keep tight...i find that a hat or bandanna on when i sleep helps them lock up fast. This is my third set and i think the best thing you can do is keep your hair healthy and strong.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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