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Is this an okay way to separate dreads in the beginning?

12 years ago
14 posts

So I tnr'd the bottom half of my head a few days ago, but I ended up taking about 4 out just because they made a giant knotted mass at the back that wouldn't separate nice. I think it's because I didn't section them right and some of the sides had overlapping hairs (like when you cross your fingers and stick them straight out--like that). So I'm going to buy a mirror and try not to do this blindly. When I section them (I'll do blocks) can I run a comb end along the lines in the beginning just till they start to dread up at the root? Then start ripping them so they grow together just enough to cover the lines? Or should I just rip from the beginning since en even sectioning line should do the trick? I'm afraid if I do that they will dread together from the beginning (or maybe I'm just scared because whatever was going on on the back of my head was not a good thing!)

updated by @fiddlesticks268: 01/13/15 09:41:48PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

actualy it wasnt a bad thing and if u just ripped em apart it would have settled in eventualy

your gonna have to seperarte no matter how definesd u make it no matter hopw u block it off with perfect right angles and lines ..they will try to grow together and u will just have to pull them apart

u ere fio]=ine b4 as long as they hadnt completely fused together all u had to do was rip em apart

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Danielle Hache
12 years ago
100 posts

i think your thinking too hard lol....just let them be ...knots are good ...thats what dreads are made of

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Just about every one of my locks over laps eachother. It's not a bad thing at all. The more defined your make your sections, the more you will be able to see scalp showing somewhere. You don't want scalp showing. That's a sign of unhealthy locks.

I have a few videos posted showing how to separate. You can check them out if you need it.

There's nothing wrong with locks overlapping, and even trying to grab hairs from other locks. Just make sure they don't start to tangle too far up the body of the lock

Aya Heartright
12 years ago
91 posts

Just start tnr from the beginning. I hate to break it to you but those sections are NOT going to stay the same. I had neat little blocks when I first tnred my hair and now, over a year later, I have many shapes and sizes. Dreads have a mind of their own, and will do what they want. Your job is that of a parent: to gently guide them so they don't killeach other.

Beyond that, have fun and don't worry too much!

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