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combing out year and a half old natural locks

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

dozens of ppl i know shaved or combed oit fir jov-bs every single 1 of en didnt get the job they shaved for

dozens more refused to change for the job and a good number of those got the job they always wanted

now jobs are harder to get ..slightlybut if u look at things realistickly its about a 7% unemployment rate right now so in any group of 1000 7 are struggling to find work

now look around ya in any group of 20 i bet your a better choice then 10 of them

the biggest dirtbag theif psychotic babykiller u ever met probly had a job

the meannest person u know gho smells the worse probly had a job

stick it out u will find a job without changing who yiu aee

is your bf working? u can live off 1 income if u live cheaply

instead of concidering changing yoir dreads consider changimg yoir life to live lil mor simply without so much depencdence on a job

when the jobs a luxury not a nesa]eciry then you wouldnt ever concider changing just to have 1

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 07/23/15 07:01:49PM
Rainbow Fortune
12 years ago
123 posts

I've originally started dreading almost two years ago. I've been into neglect for about 3 months, when my friend called me and told me they need another teacher in a school she works at. So I went there (without combing my hair), and they basically told me the job is mine after I go through a sort of training for the special program they use in that school. They also alluded to my hair, saying 'And you know, dressing properly and having neat hair is mandatory.'

So I combed my hair (I was only 3 months in, and I reeeeally needed the job, especially since it was a teaching job, and I am a teacher. If it was awaitressjob or something, I wouldn't have combed.). I even wore high heels, brief-cases, and everything else, so I would look more professional; I've spent a month in that school learning the parts of the program, just to end up not getting the job.

Some girl came back from America, and being friends with the boss, she got the job. They did not even call me to tell me they don't need me!

So, my point is... A prospect of a job does not mean getting the job.

Unless you want to comb them out for YOU, don't do it. It's a tough situation out there, millions of people all over the world are struggling to find jobs, even if they don't have dreads.

Here, in Serbia where I live, people with college degrees sell popcorn on the streets. If they're lucky.

I, as I said, am a teacher, and have applied for position of a cleaning lady recently (that was one of a few job ads available). They turned me down. Without even seeing my hair.

12 years ago
539 posts

Rainbow is right in regards to the economic hardships being felt by all. My bf is clean cut with a BA in communications and a desire to get into public policy and he has been unable to find work for over 3 years now. He is also going to school and taking other classes and earning certificates in areas like programming, etc so that he can offer more skills to the employment arena and he still hasn't landed a job. He's only had about 5 interviews and has been spending a large chunk of every weekday looking for work and putting out apps and rsums so, the joblessness isn't exclusive to people with dreadlocks. Heck, I was able to find a crap part time job during a rather messy stage of my dreadlocks and still have said job.

Anyhoo, I have always been the one to say that if you weigh the pros and cons of any situation justifiably then lean harder on the side that weighs the most. If you find that more than 50% of your personal reasoning's justify keeping or combing then follow that path and don't feel guilty about it. It's not our decision or your boyfriends; you need to do what you feel is right. What we offer is solutions and reasoning for you in regards to keeping them. Take them into consideration but please go with your heart.

Anyhoo, me, wearing one of my snood's with a flower hair pin I made (since you wanted to see more):

You can either make them by yourself or I have seen them retail for as little as 3 dollars. They also come in different colors.

updated by @valrie: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
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