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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

the best advice you could give...

14 years ago
88 posts
messing with them too much really does slow them down. just act like they're not there and you'll see how fast they progress. and also palmrolling didn't do anything for me at all. eventually they'll begin to take their own individual shapes, which is probably my favorite part about the journey. good luck!
updated by @ivan: 07/23/15 06:09:07AM
Rachael Hirst
14 years ago
10 posts
be patient, don't dwell on the critics point of view, stay away from products and stay happy. the rest will do it's self..blessings XX
Orange Clock
14 years ago
72 posts
Eat some good food. Don't drink too much alcohol. Not too much meat (if any) Get regular exercise and regular visits to natural quite place regularly
14 years ago
393 posts
Regardless of how patient you think you are. You will be required to develop your own level of patience further than it is. Despite how you choose to begin the process of allowing dreadlocks to form, mature dreadlocks take time and patience with yourself.
14 years ago
844 posts
also, would like throw in, in the highly likely event you develop loops/bumps, these too are supposed to happen, alot of it compresses in time, but is necessary,, ---> don't panic =)
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