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Baad congo issues

3 years ago
21 posts

I think I left it too long, I should have been more attentive to separating them, they're proper matted together and I'm trying to gently pull them apart with my fingers (I cut my nails real short) but I'm very scared that if I pull too hard it will tear (I had that happen with my last set of dreads). Any advice? I can attach pics if that'll help?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
3 years ago
29,641 posts

Ofcourse pics will help….alot

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
3 years ago
21 posts

1 sec

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
3 years ago
29,641 posts

I have tons of Congo’s. I let em Congo at will…almost entirely..for several years.. However my first that were absolutely insane and so I do keep track of them somewhat  now I don’t let any get over a little bit more than inch and the one that’s a little bit more than that I regret letting you get that thick

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
3 years ago
29,641 posts

My first set however I had 2 horns on the top of my head and a pillow in the back of my neck

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 06/11/21 04:21:08PM
3 years ago
21 posts

looks grim, I have a lazy eye too :/

3 years ago
21 posts

yeah I've been wearing a bandana too so the front inch or so is flat and the rest is mental, they're probably 2 months old

3 years ago
21 posts

☮ soaring eagle ॐ:

My first set however I had 2 horns on the top of my head and a pillow in the back of my neck

lol they are soft, but the roots are solid, they all seem to connect at the roots slightly. Like I move 1 and they all move

edit: actually taking them out the bandana seems to helpa lot, they're not stuck in the same place all the time, ffs lol that might've been the problem!

updated by @benzene994: 06/11/21 04:48:44PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
3 years ago
29,641 posts

Yeah you’re headed to exactly where I was so you need to separate separate them when they’re wet you know even if it hurts a little bit and if you hear a good ripping if you need to add some olive oil or something to the roots right where they’re connected if you really really have to go beyond that let me know there are some more extreme things we can do but I would want you to do it very carefully with some help and while you’re watching

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
3 years ago
21 posts

okay nice, I'll just keep separating and keep them out the bandana, maybe the olive oil but I guess just a few drops right?

the separating is going well, just doing a few hairs at a time, it'll take a while but eh

updated by @benzene994: 06/11/21 04:54:43PM
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