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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,640 posts

the absolute best is they are as natural as bronners, even more ethical, smell absofreakinglutely amazing and clean like nothing else.

they are beer, not water based (organic beer) they contain microfine clays that bond with dirt and oils and  remove them and have all organic essential oils

they are not super fatted and because of the beer vs water  it prevents the buildup bronners causes in hard water areas.

they smell so good many members say they like to carry them in their pockets before using them, and spend more time in the bathroom cause it smells so good.. when was the last time you heard anyone say the bathrooms the fave room in the house cause it smells the best

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,640 posts

1 that looks exsremely conditioning, and 2 all castile soaps will have the same issues in hard water.

the only reportedly semi safe shampoo available at local stores might be trader joes teatree tingle, now i am not able to confirm, or deny how safe it is, just am aware that a fair number of members have used it without any reporting negative results.

it will not speed up dreading like the lockin up liquid however, but it MAY be an acceptable option if your unable or unwilling to purchase online.

again i cannot guarantee its going to yield good results or be safe long term, just that others have used it as an alternative  and have not heard complaints.

the number that use it is rather small however..bronners had many many complaints but also was used widely.

so the data set i have to make a judgment call on is about 10, maybe 20 people out of 20,000 (at a rough guess) i do not n think that's enough for a definitive answer

now with its been 100% that say it is the absolute best (with 2 exceptions 1 being someone who runs a rival shampoo business and the other being a good friend of hers that runs a salon that recommends the other persons shampoo (her friend)

in all fairness and for full disclosure vicki that makes dreadlockshampoo is a friend  and a very sweet woman (you'll be blown away by the customer service) but that is not enough to earn such a high recommendation, what earned the high recommendation is the pretty much universal agreement that they are the best from everyone who used them, and, from my personal experience (i'll be detailed here) years ago a hospital had me on the nastiest antibiotic there is, one so nasty they have to run a tube all the way up a veign (or i think artery) straight into the aeorta or it would destroy the walls of the blood vessels. anyways they pumped it in too fast which caused "redman syndrome" an intence itching all over. when they say the itching ..from 12 feet away in the room doorway they decided it was lice not  anything else (i did have dandruff though)

anyway they used quell every single day (only safe to use every i think 9 or 14 days and then only twice ) on the last day they left it on for 4 hours instead of the prescribed 15 minutes

my scalp bled, and from that day on for years  came off in chunks, often bloodty chunks..they literally destroyed nmy scalp making it a disaster,

for about 6 years from then oni tried every medicated shampoo, even took part in medical studies of new  drugs  i tried bronners i tried baking soda(that since it exfoliated so well seemed to help temporarily at  the cost of extremely weakened hair) and then i tried  dreadlockshampoo.. and instantly my scalp became nearly perfect, for 1st time in years healthy and happy

whats more is the extreme weakness caused by the balking soda was  pretty much instantly reversed.

so even if vicki wasn't such a sweet amazing woman, even if i hated her with a passion,i could not deny the  fact that only her shampoos saved my scalp and dreads

on the other hand the 1 womanwho did give it a bad review, i tried her shampoos just to be fair, the liquid was like water  poured right through my dreads wouldn't lather at all,  i used at least 4 times what i normally used on my whole head, just on 1/2 my beard and gave up and tried the bars (from same woman) those dried out my scalp so bad  it was peeling off in sheets of thick dead dry skin (remember however  before the dreadlockshampoo i had severe scalp issues so my results are not typical (except the wateryness of the liquid) it was just my experience that the liquid was useless and the bar (for me) made my scalp condition worse ten not washing at all.

sorry that was lengthy just wanted you to have detailed info. i cant recommend the dreadlockshampo highly enough but if you just use a store brand 1 of the very few that has n=been used with limited success is trader joes teatree tingle. and even though its only a small..tiny percentage that have used it i haven't heard anything bad (so far)

i cant suggest it, or  recommend against it, i just don't have enough info, but it is a possible alternative that out of all store brands is most likely to be safe

some lush bars some say are safe too, although the president of lush when asked says that technically none of the lush bars would be dread safe. or at least he was unwilling to say any are dread safe (which i greatly respect his honesty, and the fact that the president answered the question from 1 of our members directly)

i hope that wasn't info overload

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,640 posts

dude do you know how many hard core hippie stoners never owned a tie die or  lavalamp and how many who never touched a thing own both and beeded doors  etc

besides it was just something to sit the soap on to photograph it shes not so great at those things  so her husband or daughter took them

theres nothing associated with drugs about the soaps or tie dies  and i think you worry too much about perceptions  to the point of avoiding products  not on other peoples perceptions (which you admitted to worry about) but your own

now it might surprise you that 1/2 the  painted up 'hippie' busses on the road belong to church groups or mobile food kitchens

someone wearing crystals or peace signs might be just kind people not  chronic potheads

id say at least 80% of music, art, creativity and culture has associations with "drugs'  you could miss out on the greatest things in the world just cause there maybe some perception of association with drugs.

maybe you had bad experiences with drugs i did too .. drugs in a general sense are bad news (herb in a medical sense is a life saver though andif taken full advantage of industrially medically, for food and fuel, would change the future) maybe it ..any association acts as a trigger for ya

maybe you were in too deep or  just got out

but sometimes innocent things rigger  bad memories but avoiding all those things only gives them power

if instead, se had a native American artifact like a medicine shield behind it would that give you the urge to  do a sundance and pierce your flesh with a boars rib?

if there was a car in the background ..a ford and your a chevy man, is that reason enough to avoid a product?

i'm sorry i understand if you had a bad history with drugs  but don't see why it should influence you on such a micro level when its just a corner of fabric behind i think only 1 maybe 2 products

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,640 posts

YEAcould see that and understand

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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