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Frizzy dreads

Diana lorenzana
10 years ago
9 posts
I NEED HELP MY DREADS ARE EXTREMELY FRIZZY, and i have lose hair .. Dreads are locking but some hair keeps coming out.. What should i do...
updated by @diana-lorenzana: 01/13/15 10:06:39PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts


they are absolutely perfectly normal

with 1 exception you kept backcombing and twisting after day 1...for how long

and how old are they now

what you called maintenence was just adding damage ontop of damage so your going to be a lil frizzier then noemal

just wash and go ignore the frizz foirget its there

it will alwaya alwaya always be there but it will get less ahnd less over time

but theres absolutely nothing that needs to be done about frizz except ignore it

over time it gets better but never goe4s away

but clean dreads are frizzy dreads u wash them they get frizzy a few days later they are less frizzy

but next wash..poof frizz

frizz i9s a sign that they are extra clean

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Diana lorenzana
10 years ago
9 posts
They are about to be 3 months. I backcombed for the first two weeks and just kept twisting after that
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

stop twisting twisting will mnake u bald

anbd they are going to be at thier fuzziest the next month or 2 then start to settle down

but stop that twisting right away or you will damage your scalp and cause balding

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Diana lorenzana
10 years ago
9 posts
What do i do about the loose hair ?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts


why should you

hair grows from your head loose then it dreads when its long enough to dreasd

and your only 3 months in .,,,they are babies

thats like saying 'what do i do aboutrt dirty diapers" .. nothing you deal with it its part of having baby dreads

eventualy there will be alot less

but there will never be none

loose hairs are always always always going to be there anjd they will always start to dread whehn they are ready...leavge them alone let them dread

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Diana lorenzana
10 years ago
9 posts
Great thanks for your help
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