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Looking to sell custom hemp necklaces. Anyone interested?

11 years ago
4 posts
I have lots of beautiful beads/stones to make hemp necklaces with and was wondering if anyone would possibly be interested in some? They would be about 10-15 dollars plus shipping. I have a couple pre- made or you custom your own.your choices:-thin, medium or thick hemp- Spiral or flat stich- BeadAnd two small side beads(the wood ones and the tribal ones)Also fell free to email me with any questions or request (or to see my premade ones) as I work on my iPhone and it is sometimes hard to use this site
updated by @spacequeen: 01/13/15 09:47:21PM
11 years ago
4 posts
Also, not sure if all my pictures loaded so,
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

u can add a shop idf u made alot if only a few post em in the classifieds

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
4 posts
Could you link me to the classifieds SE? I can't seem to find them.
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