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Hair wrapping on nee dreads- good or bad?

6 years ago
15 posts

Hello all! So i have a little dread underneath my hair. Im noticing its collecting the hair around it . I seperate as often as i can but thats the only on thats doing that to me. I wrapped it with an open criss cross type wrap just to tame it because i dont want it to gather anymore loose hairs.i guess the point of this is my question- is hair wrapping new dreads ok or should i not do that? Ive read you can and ive read that you shouldnt. They are still new. 2 weeks old tomorrow (tuesday). So i know they have a lot to go thru. Just need to know if its ok to wrap and if not what else can i do so that one doesnt consume tons of my other loose hairs. I should mention i only have 3 pet dreads.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

some say its ok and some say its not cause i guess noones all that sur haha i think it helps them dread others think it stps the from dreading

1 thing that is certain is it doesn;t alow them to thicken. the ones i had wrapped in the 1st weeks had very thin ends with much thicker roots

eventually i guess they evened out but the wrapping id prevent them from thickening at 1st at least

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
15 posts
@soaring-eagle thank you for your input! Any advice one how to keep my little dread -- i call her BB (baby beast) from trying to consume so much hair around it. I know you said palm rolling is a waste of time so I've stopped that but thats what i used to do to try and tame it lol
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

a bead or peyote sleeve but you'll have to move it around a whole lot or it could become permenantly in the dread

you can just keep separting, which yu always nee d to do with dreads or let the rest dread too but will still need to separate

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
26 posts
I think the key to wrapping them early is to not wrap too tightly on dreads that are still very young.. the first month or two I would wrap loosely and really never kept the wrap in more than a week or so.. as they get older I wrap a bit tighter and leave it a bit longer.. I try to think of it as clothing for my dread I want it covered but not suffocated. I’m nearing 7 months now and can’t tell any difference between ones that have been wrapped and others that haven’t.
6 years ago
15 posts
I dont think i have them too tight but who knows lol. I usually keep them in for a few days then let them breathe so on and so forth. I have some beads coming also. Dreads are just such a crazy process and i only have 3! Lol
6 years ago
26 posts
It’s crazy yep.. with the beads just I would be sure they fit just right where it stays on but can moved and if I leave any beads I move them up and down every few days to make sure they don’t get stuck and I’ve read about beads being to tight and causing weak spots so watch out there.. I did beads the same though when they were new dreads I didn’t leave them any length of time. Now I have a few that have been in a month or more. I just keep an eye on them and move up or down after washing to make sure it drys right.. I have like 40ish dreads I think. Haven’t counted but twice and the number changes soo 🤷‍♀️
6 years ago
15 posts
I only want "pet dreads" but as the days go by im like oh maybe just one right here lol. My husband thinks ill end up with a whole head eventually but who knows. My ends dont even come close to dreading so that frustrates me. I feel like they are coming unknotted i guess? I have one thats probably 5 inches on the end thats just my regular hair. I was gonna re backcomb it but the more i read on here i think i just need to leave it be and let it do its thing.
6 years ago
26 posts
I’ve never backcombed or anything. My ends don’t really dread either like 3 or so inches from the bottom. But aesthetically I like it better then blunted ends anyways.. and I hear or I think I read on this site it’s a little easier for them to dry completely with “paintbrush” ends
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

i stuck beads in my combed hair on day 1 left em there till they fll out 5 years later

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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