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Dreadlocks Forums

Dying hair & Dying dreads

Owl Lady
10 years ago
30 posts

I am asking this question because I have been set for an appointment for months to have my hair high lighted. It was a business trade...I did photographs in trade for its owed to me a 120$ value. She also has products that are earth friendly and cruelty free ..however Im in the process of dreading. Its not a huge deal if I have to start over with neglect..the front half of my head is twist and rip so I was thinking I wont have her touch those. I am just not sure about doing all this ..what are your opinions

updated by @owl-lady: 01/13/15 10:02:52PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

well u can tell you it will highlight itself over the summer

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
95 posts

go for it, bleach helps knot

Owl Lady
10 years ago
30 posts

Yes Soaring Eagle I would love to just go natural...but it was our deal that she pay me in highlights for the photography work I did. I feel kinda bad if I dont go ahead and do something

Owl Lady
10 years ago
30 posts

I canceled that appointment..going all natural :)

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