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Reassurance when I least expected it

12 years ago
35 posts

I've been second-guessing myself too much lately. Worried about spending time with Nick's family next week. Worried that my husband won't like my dreads when he graduates from boot camp later this month. Worried that I won't be taken seriously. Worried that my mother in law is going to have a shit fit. But today... Something happened.

I met a fellow dready/drifter today. Stopped in at a smoke shop to put up some flyers, and he was standing by the front door, with a dog, a guitar, and a tam he was trying to sell. We struck up a conversation, and he complimented my dreads, reminiscing about the days when his babies were still loopy and wild. We talked about our journeys, compared stories, talked about hitting the road with nothing but the clothes on your back. I ended up spending three and a half hours on what was supposed to be a quick trip. I treated him to lunch, bought his tam, and bought him a small bag of dog food, and we went our separate ways. Even though he didn't have much, he was happy. He loved living without the constraints of society. He was the single most relaxed person I've ever met in such circumstances.

And it reminded me; there's no reason to stress myself out. In the long run, I'm going to do whatever makes me happy, so why worry about what people will think?

updated by @allornothing: 01/13/15 09:23:25PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

i bet ya anything you will run into him at the gathering if u go

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
35 posts

We talked about it, he said that's where he's headed, just taking the, uh, scenic route.

soaring eagle said:

i bet ya anything you will run into him at the gathering if u go

Keaton Miller
12 years ago
8 posts

this story made my day.

12 years ago
182 posts

Thank you for posting this - That guy's got a message for all of us.

12 years ago
35 posts

I was just really amazed that things aligned the way they did. I've been way too stressed out lately, and to see him at my favorite shop, being a living testament to the joy of the life I hope to live, was amazing.

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