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James Colby Justice
11 years ago
75 posts

I'm having a lot of issues with flaking and cannot find tea tree oil to save my life. Does jojoba oil prevent dry scalp as well? Are there any other oils that I could find that would help? P.S. I always make sure I soak with acv for at least 3 minutes after washing with BS.

updated by @james-colby-justice: 01/13/15 09:44:18PM
James Colby Justice
11 years ago
75 posts

Thanks! I'll probably run out tomorrow to pick up an entire arsenal of herbal ingredients that will promote a healthy scalp. I'll be sure to add those to my list! :)

James Colby Justice
11 years ago
75 posts

Wow, this is really helpful and in depth. I'm saving this to my computer for future reference. Thank you again!

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Hi James. To find tea tree oil, check out your local drug store, health food store or even the Bulk Barn if you have one where you live. Some bath and beauty shops also carry tea tree oil. Good luck, hope your scalp gets happy soon.

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