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The Golden Age

11 years ago
4 posts

By creating such things as Jobs weve eliminated the ability to think for ourselves.

We used to be smarter than this, it was a more simple way of living but we were smarter.

Since when did making things easier become more important than having knowledge.

Knowledge is what guides us through our paths, our cycles, our destinies.

Knowledge is supposed to give us the option to live healthier lifestyles and instead weve gotten very lazy.

Weve used our advance in society for the wrong purposes and i cant help to wonder who took away our right to naturally ascend.

But is it actually someone to blame? Or just how the universe works?

If you honestly believe in your heart that people were meant to work 9-5 jobs and be imprinted with programs of how they should live their life than whats the point of being a different person? None of us asked to be born, not one person asked to be alive.

Than where and why are we here? How did something create us?

Some say different things, we all do. But in reality they are all the same.

If matter and energy exists, and it is in everything then no matter what they tell you their is opposites in everything. If there is such thing as opposing sides than how can you not confirm what is right in front of you?

Whats light has darkness, what goes up must come down, What is hot will go cold, the list is endless.

Energy and matter is us, and if the universe is controlled by this force and is what makes us people than we must have a purpose. To ascend to we must go upward.

Lets say whatever created us, that we in fact are matter. Now this is a scientific fact, so when matter ascends what to happen to it?

Ascend is to rise, to go upward, to go towards the SOURCE.

In scientific terms its a positive.

Matter is the substance/es in which every physical object is created of.

When matter ascends it goes towards the source.

What is our source?

How can we exist?

The sun.

The sun is our source, our growth, our health, are warmth, our light, our everything. But on the contrary we cannot have light without darkness.


Because that is how the universe works.

Energy and matter control everything so weather we like it or not good and bad things will always happen, because thats simply the gravity of our situation.

We as human beings will always have good and evil in us. Why? Because thats how the universe works. Thats how OUR universe works.

Like the story says. Cain killed Abel because of jealousy and in the end Cain got the more beautiful wife and the last son was given the less attractive wife. It was said in the story of Adam and Eve that we were forever tainted with good and evil from this act that Cain bestowed upon his family. Intertwining the good of the sister with the darkness of Cains own desires.

Even in this story their was a light and darkness.

But i wonder. If its all bullshit, the stories we read from the bible, than why cant i compare the bible to a science book?

Because the science book contains hard evidence and facts of how the universe work?

So the bible has been discredited because of its lack of creditability?

Tell me, what person back in the B.C.s had a Mac laptop and cable?

When you are reading to your 4 year old do you flip open a page from the book of Scientific Anomalies or If You Gave a Mouse a Cookie.

When we were created we had nothing but energy guiding us. That was our parent our structure. Society was a child once.

So again as a new formed world what would be more self explanatory than something obtainable.

The bible may be a story but its what made us what we are today. The bible may not be something to live by but if what Im saying is true than nether is a science book.

Then what is it we are here for?

There is not an answer for this because its not the focus of what were meant to understand.

So understand this. We as a society developed and made our world harder than it needed to be. We are advanced and at the point of ascending, we are in a different area of the universe and have entered a new age. This is the ascending age, because being matter that is what we do.

The question we should be asking ourselves as bundles of matter is this.

What should i be doing?

As matter and given the ability to grow and develop your own ideas, this question is up to you, and you alone.

updated by @zoey: 02/14/15 09:59:39AM
11 years ago
45 posts
Wow! Many interesting points.My views on the bible... The bible was created to give people moral values. Now days the government uses it to instill those morals. The stories in the bible are fairy tails. and I think when they were written they were probably meant to be just that.
Castaway J
11 years ago
585 posts

matter remains, it transmutes, but still remains. the essance that is us, our souls are eternal energy, carries on. these vessels are only momentary to experience the throes of life, gain experience, and return it to source to constantly evolve. i absolutely LOVE the sun. i sun gaze nearly every morning and its only made me feel exceptionally...GREAT. you are right about the the universe haveing good and bad least in certain part i think. each galaxy or solar system and their locations i think would determine weather free will is possible or not.

i like to think of the universe in a spiritual sense because you cant see the forces at work in this body. its like trying to hold two opposing magnets together one light one darkness. and we are in the middle of these invisible forces..clueless lol.

but a recurring theme comes up, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. we experience these battles of opposing forces within, and it can be confusing as hell if you do not shut it out and become a societal robot. thats why most choose to be robots i think. to afraid to confront the conflicts with.

do not try to compare the bible to science though lol instead, i found that the bible coorelates PRECISELY to astronomy and asto-physics if that makees sense. doing research for years the puzzle pieces have begun to fall into place :)

but then again, i could be completely full of shit and really not know what the hell im taking about ;) i let my heart and intuition guide me, if it resonates with my being then its more or less settled. running things by the heart center is something to consider.

11 years ago
4 posts
Melony I believe it was written to coax a society in its infant years, at the same time yes it's like a bunch of fairy tails. But which would a infant understand better? Developing the way we did has left us with the technology we have today. It had to start somewhere and eventually become something more intellectual than fairy tails in a book.Castaway I think we're on the same page maybe not identical, but everyone is different and we all have a different understanding and that's how it's supposed to be. I was not trying to compare science to religion it's more than that I know. I believe it does correlate with astrology and science.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

although this was a very interesting read and i agree whole heartedly wich much of it i completely disagree that the bible made us what we are today in fact its held us back hell they used to chop off the heads of everyone with an original idea the world is round? hell no kill him fast thats a dangerouse thought the earth revolves around the sun? not anymore it dont we burried yet another 1 even the ideas of energy and matter were supressed since the bible mentions adam not atom

thats not a dinasaur bone its a dragon after all only dragons are mentioned in scripture

because of the bible whole civilizations were wiped out for thinking differently not just the crusades the burning of witches the forced conversion of pagans native americans people who respected nature were put to death for caring about the trees

what the bible did for humanity is give them an excuse to rape the earth suck its blood poision its au=ir after all god gave it to us to do as we please .. and he promiced he wont cause another flood so global warming cant exist..the bible said so

the church backs the drill baby drill mentality the wiping out of species after species cause the bibnle conveliently lets us not care anbout anything but a soul a soul that cant be measured or proven

does a dead body weigh less then a live 1? all things are matter and energy correct? all matter has weight all energy is measurable so how much does a soul weigh? i can tell you the weight of the animals slaughtered for christmas dinner they have weight and energy they exist they had lives

lets not forget that that christmass dinners celebrating a pasgan holiday ..that had nothing to do with christ..but hey lets just say its his birthday u can keep on celebrating that day just gotta make believe its someones birthday thast way we dont have to kill you too

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
4 posts
I'm with you on so much you've said however I'm maybe being slightly misunderstood and that's to happen when posting something like I did. I understand what you are saying and honestly I'm trying to spread my wings and fly with the knowledge I got. I'm lucky enough to run into people like you.
Castaway J
11 years ago
585 posts

yeah i agree with you SE, the bible can do one of two things. it can enlighten an individual if they know the key to it all, or it can enslave society because they believe in "their" interpretation, the literalization of it all. its all refering to astrology and seasonal changes and conflicts within we all have.

thats one of the reasons i have always resented religions is because they wipe out or kill in the "name of god" no someone told you that and you fell for it without hesitation. and yeah as much as i try to bring up pagan traditions translated into christianity the christians dismiss it it complety.

Jesus IS the Sun in the sky.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

u should read the blog post i wrote last week

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Castaway J
11 years ago
585 posts

who? link or tell what its about

11 years ago
4 posts

Whats the title?

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