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Dreadlocks Forums

Should I be worried?

11 years ago
6 posts

So I've had my dread's for about a year now, I got them first twisted around February of last year, and here it is , the middle of Jan, my hair texture is a typical african american texture, with the hair being just a little bit more straight and wild . Through out the whole year they've tried two diffrent twisting methods on my hair , for whichever would work on each dread at the time. There were only two methods though, they were Two strand twist and regular comb twist. I haven't gotten a retwist for about 3 months now, I'm going to see if I can go in this week for one though. I was wondering, after all this time should my hair still not stay twisted at the roots,be straight and wild at the tips and have random extremely flat areas in the body of the dread? I'm not really sure how they should be right about now.

updated by @devin4: 01/13/15 09:43:55PM
Baba Fats
11 years ago
2,702 posts

Well retwisting them is doing huge amounts of damage. It is ripping hairs out of your scalp left and right with every session. This thins out your roots. As the new hair grows in, it will grow in straight and not be in a lock. The more times you retwist, the less hair grows back each time. Eventually, hair will stop growing back and there will be permanent bald patches in between your sections. This is traction alopecia. It leads directly to baldness.

Messing with your roots makes them lock up slower than they should. Normally, they'd start to lock up on their own at this point. Baby locks should have between 1-3 inches of straight hair at the roots. Mature locks have between 1/4 - 1 inch of straight hair. The fact that you've continued to retwist is making them take longer to tighten.

Are they actually putting a comb to your locks every time you go it? That will just reset your progress back to day 1 every time. It's the same with TnRing and back combing over and over. It doesn't make them mature faster. It prevents them from ever maturing.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

do not retwist do not "fo in" ever they are ripping you off and screwing you up

leave them alone wash 1-3 times a week and seperate nothing else twisting all the time weakeens the roots and causes balding they never ever should be retwisted

yes you should be worroied..only because salons screw u so badly

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Castaway J
11 years ago
585 posts

can we see exaclt ywhat you mean?

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