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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

meow frizzies *-*

12 years ago
9 posts

my dreads are just babies, some are a week old and some are just turning a month

so i know theres gonna be frizzies everywhere

but its just so HUGE sometimes! especially after i wake up hehe

is there anything i can do for them in the meantime?

and at what age will the frizziness start to disappear?

meeeep i refuse to use wax or any bad damaging products at all really

preeease help me if yew can, much appreciated c:

blissings ~*

updated by @kristie: 01/13/15 09:37:50PM
Ahil Ganesan
12 years ago
53 posts
Hmm well to be honest it's more of an acceptance thing, you'll realise yourself. But if it's really a pain ( it is for me sometimes) wear a tam or a comfy loose beanie to bed that way it compresses your dreads and prevents you caring about the frizzies simultaneously. I guess I didnt really help lol but good luck anyway!
Star Gryphon
12 years ago
190 posts

When I asked this I was told that I should just comb them out right then and there...or cut them off...

You get the frizzies...

Aloe vera is what I hear...just don't use it ALL the when you need to go to something formal...or....

12 years ago
333 posts

Dont wear a tam to bed.. It does nothing and will probably just fall off during the night anyway. Aloe shouldn't be used on baby locks because it's so conditioning.

Ahil was right when he said it was an acceptance thing. Just go with it. As they mature the loose hair will be sucked in, but you will always have some, especially at the roots. So, just learn to live with it! You can use a tam in public if you feel it is too much of a mess.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

Dreads are frizzy, you just have to accept it. They will be a very frizzy in the early months and they will get better over time. When they are clean. They get frizzy. When caked in dirt, they are less frizzy. Just ignore completely pretend it's not there

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

Oh, and you are using harmful products dreadheadhqg shampoo is extremely toxic, it causes cancer psoriasis dermatitis balding and more. It's not a dread shampoo at all. In fact it was made originally for hunting. Designed to be used once or twice a year just to sneak up and slaughter poor innocent animals. dreadheadhq should be boycotted at all costs because they destroyed dreads for profit

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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