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Need Professional Advice

Sarah Guarino
12 years ago
7 posts
I need a natural product free process that isn't going to take me longer than a week to separate and please the more detailed the better. Idk why but with dread tuts I've always got a question or two and have never been able to get an answer back. I read one that said to braid it and wash it and back comb but I never knew of I should unbraid while showering or if it wanted me to keep them in and if so what's the point of showering after braiding?? Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.-Sarah
updated by @sarah-guarino: 02/14/15 11:13:52AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

im not sure what your asking? your talking about seperate but seperation has absolutely nothijng to do with braiding and backcombing and whats this week thing?

are yiu saying u only have a week and you expect to have dreads in a week?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

im really confused what your asking here but i think you want ti know how to dread naturally

stop combing stop ci]onditioning wash regularly (2-3 times aweek) with a nin residue non conditionming shampoo only scrub the scalp not hair

in most cases you see seperation into sections in days to a week or 2

then it begins to dread

you dont have to braid or backcomb but your not gou]ing to be fully drea=aded in a week

no method really does that some only fake it

if your not willing to wait for dreads hen twist n rip bhut it still takes months to really dread

dreads arent instant they take time

its a journey

a commitment

the slow routes the best route

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Sarah Guarino
12 years ago
7 posts
No no no. I know its a long process. But I can't have a giant unseparated mass on the back of my head for a year like neglect usually requires. But the technique basically says braid the hair in one inch pieces then shower then keep the braids in for like a week. Then undo the braids, and with each one inch pieces, back comb, pull on it to bring the strands down again and then back comb and pull a second time. Then roll it on your palms and it should be a pre-shrunk dread essentially. They said the end would still be increased and to do with that as you will.So with all that aside, how would you recommend I dread my hair? Like I said my boss doesn't want me on the floor with a giant knotted up mass on my head so it can't take me a really long time to have portions seperated in such a way that its obvious they're dreads or soon to be... see what I mean? Even just a link to a detailed tutorial to your recommended technique would be awesome. I'm having trouble finding a good one myself.
Sarah Guarino
12 years ago
7 posts
Sorry my posts seem to be taking a long time to get through t the server. Even with the app I'm having a difficult time navigating. But I see what you're saying and that makes more sense. A woman I talked to said she just let it turn into one huge mass and it almost scared me off it. I've seen pictures of people who just had one huge dread just towering off the top of their heads and it was like "oh no! Don't let that be my hair!" Lol. Even dreaded I love my hair. Its a point of vanity I'll admit haha.But you're saying I should only shampoo the roots? Should I try to keep it from washing over the rest of my hair our is it fine? My hair is very curly but I've tried on and off to get it take dread without "techniques" with no success. The hair just untangled in my sleep! even after a week of letting it do its thing, all I did was run a we tooth comb to get out two or three snarls and all the time I spent doing nothk g to it to dread it was undone. I was blown awy!A friend who used to work in a salon said the texture might be contributing to that. Even though I don't use conditioner and my hair is very curly, the texture is extremely soft which she said might be keeping the hair from gripping on each other. Of that's the case, any tips?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

its not going ti dread in a week ..well some do but nit often yiu git to givce it more time

u can seperate dreads as it dreads to keep them thin some ppl are religiosly boundd to not seperare so they get massive dreads

if you dont want that..pull the sections apart oftenb

if you dont go natural tnr is easy

no 1 incgh sections thats like bigger then u want in case 2 do combine

sectuouions should be between pencil size and 1 inch max averak=ge 1/2 inch

your hair ill section itself perfectly if u let it

take those section twist it (noyt real tight) split into 2 parts ..not evenly pull the 2 parts away from eact=hother

put back together split in wa totaly dig=ferent random place

(say 1st splits 25% 75% 2nd split 90-10 next 30-60


every split random as you can

the 1st base knots take mamny splits t9 get formed then once u got some to build on its faster

retwist every 110-15 pulls ..randomness is key

the more random the splits and twusts the better

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

these are my dreads i never did a thing except wash and seperate thats all

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
Sarah Guarino
12 years ago
7 posts
Hmmm if it'll take longer than a week do you think wearing a head scarf would hinder the process at all? My boss is obviously concerned about the appearances of his building and its staff but is pretty easy going. I know he'd be fine with a head wrap if things got to out of hand for a while. My legs got a huge ass tattoo on it and he didn't even flinch when I told him lol. Which is more than I get at most places I've worked, you know? Plus I'm told he's really lenient on the girls. Its not something I want to take advantage of but if it helsp my journey I'm for it! And thank you for the assistance and walking me through this. I do greatly appreciate it c:
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

if u want to tnr theres guides with vids but its alot easier to access from a pc then phone

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

scarfs or looser tams and stuff wont slow things tight pony tails tight hats will

but its not a race so its not like you have ti hury

theres also letters ro employers i wrote concermin g natural dreads the laws and why the so called tidy dreads are so undesirable due to the severity of the damage needed to maintain them


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