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marks 6.5 year time line

12 years ago
4 posts

day one 18 years old backcomb wax pipecleaners perming solution $$$$$$$$$$$$

probably 3 weeks in wax once a week they said will be great for your dreads they said.....

4 - 6 months stopped waxing first day at new job.

last 3 same day, the old mans wedding.

8 months ish

getting close to a year

19th birthday

18 months ish

chronic rootflipping has been happening. also chronic

much less waxy

ratm big day out, acid eyes!

a month later colours faded to pink!

2.5 years pretty hippie!

3 years + fiji trip

many things in my hairs!

moshing approx 3.5 years

4 years ish

fuck ill add more tomorrow this takes ages or maybe im just amateur at this haha

updated by @mark3: 01/13/15 09:31:24PM
12 years ago
539 posts

Good timeline so far. :)

Since you started out using wax and root flipping, did you experience some of the other problems that other site members encountered from these same maintenance solutions? Also, when you stopped using wax, did you use a wax remover?

12 years ago
198 posts

Hell yeah! Love them!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

looking forward to the rest of this

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Jordan Toler
12 years ago
23 posts
Sick dreads dude.
12 years ago
4 posts

this is actually 3 years ish back shot...

22nd bday


close to 4 years

forget which concerts those were from cannibal corpse meshuggah behemoth?

4.5 years

4 years 8 months nice action shot moshing to mates band

same night.. more acid eyes!

comparing length

more wastedness!

getting close to 5 years

very little maintenance occasional crochet of loosies closer to head put back into dread loose tips and most of the old waxed/rootflipped dreads have self shortened from a hard life and constant moshing/headbanging.

haha wasted! and my mate has rape face!

19/2/11 at a mates stag do drinking cider mixed with black v. SKURVEE!

more moshing! my pals in a nz band septicide

me and gf at the time

pre colourful dye for soundwave 2012

colourfull! soundwave!

month ago abbey medieval fest..

and quite recent metal face after a few cones look a bit wasted haha!

so there you have it 6.5 years and many more to come!

7 years on boxing day!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

so did u have many of the problems most people have from all the wax crochet and interlocking i notice u had beads near the roots in most pics too

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
4 posts

yep sure did first couple of years were pretty rough i dont have any origional dreads left they alldisintegrated and got ripped off over the years. root flipping was worst for me as left holes and weak spots. havnt had any damage from crocheting but i would only gently pull clumps of loosies into center of dread used tapestry needle to same effect. i have found beads pretty good for aiding in seperation. when i realised how crap wax was i made a mix of baking soda tee tree lemon juice boiling water and a little detergent and tried very hard to get rid of as much as poss over a few months got alot out but cold fell still waxy deep in dreads im been really stoked with them over the last 4 or so years i will always be a dreadhead!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

the crochet damage is harder to detect since its not a weak spot with no elasticity that snaps off easily its a general weakening but that can take a long time to go from 1000 pounds required to break em and a few ounces u may now be at 400 pounds and not realize they are less then 1/2 the original strength

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
4 posts

getting more colourful!

cannibal corpse mosh

then my back yard.

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