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Which method is best?

Rob Slater
12 years ago
3 posts

Hi to this blog and just wanted to know the best method people found to dread? Also what are the negatives you have found in regards to having dreads? Have always wanted dreads and am finally in a place where I can get it done. Any opinions and advice welcome.....

updated by @rob-slater: 01/13/15 09:25:29PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

nAtural is always has been always will be best

every negative about dreds is really a possitive..some ppl dont like em but those ppl are hate filled and best to be avoided

back to methods

natural is the best ofcourse twist and rips not too bad

backcomb damages the cuticles and makes them (the dreads) look like sideshow bob

crochet ..extreme damage should be avoided at all ci=osts..wax..ewww just gross..

just go natyural you wont regret it (like many do who start other ways then decide to start over naturally)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

let me go into more details as to why for each method

natural aka freeform or organic (sometimes called neglect or patience method) i best fir many reasons 1 they are healthiest no damage no gunky products etc they lok best and most unique and real they are easiest to care for that last longest typically and dreading is a spiritual life altering journey so naturally reading is a more profound experience that you gain the most from

twist n rip

out of all the "making dreads" methods is the least damagng looks best and more natural its easy and quick uses no tools or products

backcomb although backcomb doesnt do enough harm to warent a warning and a to be avoided recommendation it does do a fair ammount of harm and isnt as effective as tnr generaly plus looks rediculouse for weeks in the beginning i hesitate to recommend it, or recomend it be avoided jut be aware its not gentle and is somewhat harmful

now for the not recomended methods

anything with wax wax just glues hair together to ressemble dreads but prevents the movement needed to actualy dread it traps dont and water causing mold and your dreads get stiff sticky and grioss it never washes out (u might wash some off the surface leaving unseen wax inside)

crochet cr=ochet just breaks hairs making low maintenance dread very high maintenance they get stiff as well ..skinny tioo tight and scratchy and eventuasly very weak and can break

interlocking.. just bad its not often used in Caucasian hair but since a few do i should cover that too

it just makes weak spots that can snap easily and makes the roots too tigfht which can cause hair loss from traction alopecia

felting ..worse method there is it used a very sharp felting needle that shreds \every hair it touches into tiny peices

andmashes themtogether the resulting dreads are xtremely weak

and drad perms..also 1 of the worse as it permenatly altersthre hair texture

its only worth trying idf every other method was tried and failed after a year of trying

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Tara C
12 years ago
644 posts

I backcombed wasn't done hard, very gently, didn't even hurt, so probably not too damaging either. The downside makes you look like Sideshow Bob for a while. Also, they often come loose again, which is OK, but then you realise all you've really done is create sections, not all of which your hair likes.

I'd say natural is the best method. Only a few of my dreads are natural, but I love it. Just the constant transformations, it's quite joyful and exciting. If I started my dreads all over again, I'd go natural, so I'd say that. However, if you don't want to, the next best is twist and rip. It's not damaging, and it gives you a kind of dreaded look early on. That said, any method you choose will result in wild hair for a while, and any method requires patience on the road to mature dreads. The other methods are...too damaging to bother with.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

just in the last 4 hours i have seen 4 comments like

"i started mine with____ but now wish i went natural" and 3 comments stating they started theirs with ___ and now are about to start over naturally

ofcourse many who start with whatever methods dont tart over even if they wished they had gone natural just cause they became attached to them

but just for the reason that most likely when your a few months in you may regret how you started and wish u went natural its probly the best idea to go=ive natural a shot from the begining so theres no urge to backteaftk and undo months of progres to start over

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Rob Slater
12 years ago
3 posts

Thanks everyone for the info, its great to have people who know what is going on give advice with no profit incentive behind it....thanks again and I will be online again soon....good vibes and sunshine.....

12 years ago
597 posts

i would always recommend natural just because it wouldn't damage your hair, it's easy (stop brushing...don't have to figure out how to do any "method"..yes i'm lazy), it has the most character to it & very fun to watch develop, & so many people who have used starting methods start over or wish they could start over natural.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

not to mentionits the traditional way so has the most meaning behind it and u learn the most along the way

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
597 posts

true, it's more of a "journey" i guess. takes plenty of patience.

soaring eagle said:

not to mentionits the traditional way so has the most meaning behind it and u learn the most along the way

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