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Best way to apply essential oils to scalp?

J. Chambers
12 years ago
1 posts

Im curious about the best way to apply essential oils to your scalp. Thanks everyone. Peace, love and applesauce.

updated by @j-chambers: 01/13/15 09:19:55PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

depends on the purpose

adding a few drops to a spray or the bs soak is great but if say your treating something that u want more concentrated a drop on a finger then finger to spot its needed

if your in a house with lice u can add teatree to shampoo but then also spot treat often to be safe

really it dont matter how as long as u get it where u want in the concentration u want

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Always mix essential oils with either Jojoba or Sweet almond oil. The essential oils themselves are caustic to your skin. Alone they will irritate your scalp and cause an itching/burning sensation. The jojoba/almond oils are applicators. They cut down the concentration of the oil while spreading them out more.

I use a 4oz spray bottle filled about 1/4 with Jojoba, 20 drops teatree, 20 drops rosemary, and the rest with water. My hair gets a nice cool and refreshing feel without feeling greasy or oily afterwards. The same combination but with spearmint and eucalyptus will give you a boost of energy and wake you up too.

Spray maybe once a day or so. If you feel like your hair feels oily, just add more water to the mixture, and cut down on the oils by a few drops. As the bottle empties, you can just add water. It'll lower the concentration of the oils, but it won't effect how they make you feel

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