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Twisting Product suggestions?

Lu A
13 years ago
66 posts

So I've been locked up in the game for almost two months and I'm thinking about twisting my roots. Started with tnr, and they are really well locked up, which cool curls and loops going on all over the place. In the life I live I have to look pretty neat and put together, especially since I've got tons of meetings and things coming up next month. I was going to leave the roots alone but I've been throwing em up in ponytails so often, which leads to separating really often and I can't imagine that is good for my hair. lol anyway, now that I've given my spiel, I was wondering what the best products to use for twisting are. I've heard aloe vera can be used, does it work? Actual product suggestions are fine too, but I'd rather not put something that will gunk up my hair

Thanks in advance for the help

updated by @lu-a: 01/13/15 08:57:52PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

dont..dont dont twisting the roots weakends the roots can make em break can lead to scalp trauma even permenant bald spots

never twist dreads

if u must look meat wrap the lose hairs ariund the roots and smear on lil aloe..but do not twist the dreads ever

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Lu A
13 years ago
66 posts
lolthere are no loose hairs. my roots are just two (some are three or four lol) inces of puff. I was going to twist just the roots and not wash it for a week or two to train it into that position, then never twist again. Don't worry se, I'm not planning on losing my dreads from overtwisting. I just need something that looks presentable.I think I'm gonna try aloe vera, but it's not exactly easy to find...sigh, my local store didn't have it.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

garden centers buy a plant or 2

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Lu A
13 years ago
66 posts
okay. I use to have aloe pants, and they're alot like dreads. No effort required.
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