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Neglect Method Ponderings

Marcus Acosta
13 years ago
53 posts

I wonder why nature made it necessary to separate neglect (or freeform rather) locks. I mean, technically we don't have to separate neglect locks but then they would congo and be just one big lock. That would make washing our hair problematic since it would take days to dry and cause mold in our hair. I wonder how our hair was actually "meant" to be worn (if that concept even exists). Sorry for the rambling, I'm at work and bored lol. Wondering, what if we left our locks 100% neglected, what would our hair be like? Additionally, if it would cause mold and other problems, I wonder why its that way... No real way to answer this thread since its all hypothetical, I'm just bored! lol -Marcus <3

updated by @marcus-acosta: 01/13/15 08:57:08PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

not allwould congo out of control but even if they did a megalock is more prone to mold in damp climates but if it dries well it wouldnt be an issue

many ppl do not seperate at all and let it dread as it wishes and they dread super cool

but u do risk uneven painful pulling and drying issues when they get super fat

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Shanxon Lemasters
13 years ago
411 posts
in my opinion, people play with their hair, or their kids do or their husband does or it gets caught in stuff, i think they would seperate themselves if we weren't aware of it, just not as "uniform" and "nicely"
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