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Dreadlocks Forums

where to start....

dreadfully odd
14 years ago
11 posts
so mebe start here would be a good idea....have no idea why my 3 eyed old woman picture automatically came up? dreads? cant say that i do much, other than the occasional splitting when they join,dont really want to have one big lump and fiddling and twisting when doin nowt....wash em mostly in the ocean river or rain, get em full of sand most of the time, which is a bugger to get out! I love my dreads 8~) as you probly all do, and feel that they are such a part of who is me and what is in my heart and soul.......and am i the first kiwi on here?? are there any others?? must have a look....

updated by @dreadfully-odd: 01/13/15 08:30:56PM
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