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dreadlocks shampoo
Castaway J


Location: Las Vegas, NV
Zipcode: 89118
Country: US

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video file: 11.9MB, 00:02:34

11/16/12 05:28:29PM @lindsay4:

They are looking so good!

Diego F.
11/16/12 05:16:29PM @diego-f:

oh... i found that a lot of my sections just look like yours, the "texture" and the curliness. Hope mines will turn amazing like yours!

Castaway J
03/25/12 12:52:40AM @castaway-j:

dude right on! i like how your letting yours congo man, thats awesome! thank you guys a lot!

03/24/12 09:07:21PM @andres2:

change youre on of the only people i had wonder how they looked like, haha i guess i got my wish? lol but yeah youre dreading nicely. im just a month ahead. i honestly don't remember.

Castaway J
03/23/12 10:03:09AM @castaway-j:

thanks everyone :D

☽ Jasper ☾
03/23/12 01:23:49AM @jasper:


03/23/12 01:13:22AM @heather:

your hair looks great for only 6 months. in regards to your congo, i would say leave it. it doesn't look big at all. i have some that are about 2" wide but because my hair is thin there isn't as much hair per square inch. they're only developing to the size of my index finger.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/22/12 10:45:13PM @soaring-eagle:
they are coming along great

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