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dreadlocks shampoo
Bryan Oviedo


Location: Miami, FL
Zipcode: 33193
Country: US

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Vanessa black
06/17/13 01:46:07PM @vanessa-black:
How can I get in contact with you Mr. Oviedo?

Vanessa black
06/15/13 06:23:01AM @vanessa-black:
Sent you a message, respond when you get the chance!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/01/12 08:48:53PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome i know ya kinda got an afro but if its not overly dry and brittle like african hair then dont use that shgampoo it wont dread

thats alot of moisturiErs cconditioners and oils cause african hair tends to need constant opiling to not break

buit if your not african american using products designed for that type hair will prevent any dreading atall

Baba Fats
12/01/12 05:42:23PM @baba-fats:


01/17/13 10:28:58PM @tony2:

Your dreadies are look good so far.

Always, Hippie Love

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/19/12 08:40:19PM @soaring-eagle:


we had a married couple awhile back she started with backcomb abd wax cause her hair as sio short then started over wax free but her hubby did backcomb wax root rubbing interlocki g crochet basicly everythung wrong but the root rubbing did the worse

3 months in he curt his and found 3/4 of his hair was pulled right out of his head by the root rubbing

12/19/12 07:31:35PM @darkstar:

Thanks. Good vibes your way too.

12/19/12 06:53:12PM @tony2:

Welcome and Happy Dreading..

12/19/12 06:13:17PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Palm rolling and root rubbing actually do more harm than anything else.

Both methods weaken your locks. Palm rolling rips up your hair and thins out your roots. Check out my video on what only 2 weeks of palm rolling can do.

Root rubbing, essentially, is like rubbing a brillo pad on your scalp. It not only weakens and thins your roots, it also can create sores on your scalp under your locks.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/19/12 06:09:38PM @soaring-eagle:

if u got rubber bands in take em out right away!

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