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dreadlocks shampoo


Location: Miami
Zipcode: 33101
Country: USA

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I was born and raised in Miami, a city renowned for its stunning beaches, diverse culture, and lively atmosphere. Growing up in this melting pot of cultures, I have been fortunate to witness firsthand the fusion of different traditions, art forms, and cuisines that make Miami so unique.

Living in Miami has allowed me to indulge in numerous passions and hobbies that reflect the essence of this vibrant city. Firstly, I am an avid beach lover, always ready to explore the beautiful coastlines and enjoy water activities such as swimming, surfing, or simply basking in the sun.

Additionally, being surrounded by such a rich cultural fabric has awakened my love for art, music, and cuisine. I enjoy visiting the city's many art galleries, attending music festivals, and exploring the diverse array of culinary delights that Miami has to offer.

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@bkstantforw • 5 months ago
User login:  @BKStantForW
@bkstantforw • 6 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Is picking out lint a problem, am I damaging my locs?":
"Have you tried a boar bristle brush? They are great for dusting."
@bkstantforw • 6 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "What's the weirdest question you've been asked towards your dreads?":
"Matthew: Haha, I seriously get asked where's the weed by like...3/4 of the people I see.x| Matted Dew said: Whats it feel like? like big ropes on ur head..."
@bkstantforw • 6 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Working in a really dirty environment":
"I've also worked on this, and I would definitely use a bandana or a ski mask on winter. You could get rash on your skin with too much paint dust. Generally..."
@bkstantforw • 6 months ago
User login:  @BKStantForW
@bkstantforw • 7 months ago • comments: 5
Posted a new Comment on Mourning a lost love; embracing a new friendship:
"I'm sorry for your loss bro.... Embracing the pain of loss while acknowledging the potential for new beginnings reflects a deep understanding of life's..."
@bkstantforw • 7 months ago
User login:  @BKStantForW
@bkstantforw • 7 months ago • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on Just because...:
"It's quite obvious that your trip has been filled with deep thoughts about yourself and growth in a spiritual way. Your ability to handle problems and accept..."
@bkstantforw • 7 months ago
User login:  @BKStantForW
@bkstantforw • 7 months ago • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on The more you know..... prohibition and cancer:
"The scientific studies you've shared in your post give a strong evidence to disprove common wrong ideas about the use of weed. Some research has shown that..."


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/29/23 09:14:37AM @soaring-eagle:

Ok cool

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/18/23 10:20:51AM @soaring-eagle:

Welcome, but I’m confused are you here for dreadlocks or are you here to advertise something or other 

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