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loc reflections: month 2

user image 2012-07-22
By: Beijaflor
Posted in:

Hi guys! If I am creating this post than I have surpassed my second month of loc bliss. This month has been to say the least.. exciting.=) My roots are locking wash by wash and the loose hair is starting to feed in. Progress is happening alot faster than I expected. I havereceivedgreat compliments among peers and strangers has given me a great push to keep striding on. The support from this site has been a great one. I have met great people from all faces of life and its been awesome. I also indigo'd my hair this month and it was pretty cool , it made my strands stronger and my hair color richer.. which is a cool bonus.But I have to admit that I have had a couple of minor bumps but they have also made me stronger:

-At one point I waned to redo them but I left them be because I felt vanity kicking in and I am stronger than that. I want this to be an accepting journey not a perfection journey.

-Ive had two dreams where I had straight unlocked hair that was really long, but then I wake up and I laugh. It was hard for the first couple of seconds but I know those dreams are tests and I have surpassed both so un-consciousbring it on!

So all in all thats been about it Ive been enjoying both the transformations and bumpy roads (literally and non). So third month, show mama watcha got! =)

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