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dreadlocks shampoo
Ari Mignogna


Location: North East, MD
Zipcode: 21901
Country: US

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Ari Mignogna
05/20/14 08:34:00PM @ari-mignogna:
Thank you both. I only initially crochet to form the locs, but have left them alone since. I plan on just letting them go from here :D so far no issues, I only did it every few inches, I did mostly back combing and palm rolling. Yay for Philly folk!

Baba Fats
05/14/14 09:33:39PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. You'll probably hear it al lot hear, but it's true. Crocheting is one of the most damaging things that can be done to locks. It's actually even worse than wax, since wax can be cleaned out, and your hair can recover. With crocheting, you are really ripping your hair into smaller and smaller pieces. This damage can't be undone. It can only be stopped from getting worse. If you crocheted once, to start, it's not so bad. It'll take about 6 months to heal. But continued use will result in your locks becoming too stiff, and eventually snapping in places. This can take a few years. But even crocheting a few times a year does severe damage.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/14/14 07:58:10AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but crochets an extremely bad idea that causes extreme damage, stiffness, and 1 use delays dreading by 6 months

im in philly area and philly has tons of dreads

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