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Smantha Ballenger


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Choccolocco Watershed

user image 2010-07-21
By: Smantha Ballenger
Posted in:
We went hiking Saturday on a section of the Alabama Pinhoti Trail that we haven't covered yet, to the Choccolocco Watershed.It was absolutely beautiful, an awesome and pretty easy trail, just gentle ups and downs and switchbacks. Here's Hubbyon the trail hiking in with our baby, Flossie, lol ...
7-17-10 036a
And a pretty wildflower ...
This spider and his web was stretched across the trail ...
Spider In Trail
And then we got our first glimpse of water and knew we were nearing our destination ...
Choccolocco Watershed
And the watershed ...
Choccolocco Watershed
And this is the spilloff on the other side ...
Choccolocco Watershed
There's an awesome shelter here ...
Choccolocco Watershed Shelter
It came a thunderstorm while we were there and we had to take refuge in the shelter for about 40 mins or so - and that was okay with me 'cause I love storms ...
Choccolocco Watershed
While waiting out the storm in the shelter, we read the entries in the trail logbook and came across this one that gave us a good chuckle ...
Entry In Trail Logbook
It was an awesome hike. And there's something about a new trail, a thrill that won't be repeated the next time you cover the same trail, lol. Since the hike Saturday, we've been busy as bees. Gardens are coming in and you don't get to choose when to put it up, haveto get it when it's ready. We did the last of the corn yesterday - whewwww! :)
And by the way ... are blogs that are not dread-related welcome here ? If not, then please accept my apologies and let me know and I'll be glad to delete. :)
Smantha Ballenger
07/21/10 09:20:38PM @smantha-ballenger:
Thanks Klete - glad you smiled :)

07/21/10 07:43:42PM @klete:
great post. Put a smile on my face

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