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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @harleyjunkin

06/22/18 07:13:58PM
47 posts

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I don't get why family and friends aren't supportive. I've already had people tell me I'm making a mistake... I was tempted to kick them out of my life, because if you're going to get your knickers in a knot over my /hair/... 

06/22/18 05:48:29PM
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That is what I am gleaning from everything. I just feel that letting your hair mat on its own brings you that much closer to nature and Mother Earth.

06/22/18 05:39:45PM
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I agree. I know it's going to be a battle with her when it comes to my hair, but it isn't her body. I think I will just direct her to this site if she gets uppity ahaha.

06/22/18 05:32:02PM
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It was! Fifteen years before they gave up ;P They were certainly determined!

And thank you ahaha. I think so too, but there is such a bad stigma against dreads and it hurts me.

06/22/18 05:21:48PM
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Only fifteen? How considerate! I don't think I'll ever hear the end of it. Small price to pay, I suppose hehe. Both my mother and I are mediums, and yet I find I am more open to these types of self expression compared to her. It's odd, given that she raised me to be a free spirit... But then says the stuff I like is wrong.

06/22/18 05:02:57PM
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Mine will be purely for my spiritual journey :) It just has the added bonus that it is basically a middle finger to normal society. My head is a nightmare as it is to my mother... She's not gonna be pleased when the dreads start forming.

06/22/18 04:12:59PM
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I think I will do the dread wraps too.. Gives you more diversity with the colour as well. 

06/22/18 03:52:52PM
47 posts

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The site worked. Thank you my friend.

How do you plan on dying your locks, if the bleach is super bad for it?

06/22/18 03:32:48PM
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When I go to, I get linked to some Japanese website about food. Is there anyway you can toss me the link?

06/22/18 03:10:23PM
47 posts

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Sadly, I can't be away from the snakes >.< Not when I have babies that are still relying on me for assistance with food, and eggs getting ready to hatch. Maybe if there was a place closer I would. Is this their website?

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