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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @zachary-tyler

Zachary Tyler
06/21/13 06:06:37AM
36 posts

New and worried.

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And I've been experimenting with the bs wash. All ratios I've seen seem messed up. It's water with bs. How thick is it suppose to be? I come up with literally water. I can't massage it in or anything. I dump it on my head it runs thru my head and hair and body. There is no way to stop it. So I figure I'm doing something wrong.
Zachary Tyler
06/21/13 06:03:52AM
36 posts

New and worried.

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-I live in a hard water to semi hard water area I think. How do I know for sure(cant find the map here on the site) and how do I go about washing my hair with it? What changes will I need to do if any?-My hair gets oily fast. Like 2 days after a wash. Is this an issue?-When washing its kinda an effort to get to my scalp to make sure it gets washed well without soaking my whole head. Any tips? Or will this affect the dreading process for me?-I've read that you soak down your dreads and that you don't when washing. Which is it? It seems almost impossible they won't be drenched for me.-I want to air dry but I've been scared by reading about all day drying times. Should I worry?-I sleep rough and toss and turn a lot. Is this ok? I mean my hair is a mess as is when I wake. I'm afraid it well mess up the process, or tangle all wrong or something by not allowing my hair to naturally section.-Any way I can keep them tidy for work? Or advice of what to tell employers?-Am I allowed to tie it back or tuck it behind my ears or flip it around while letting them form? Or do I need to keep my hair down and in a "normal" position all the time?-Is it ok to wear hats/reg ball caps? Or should it only be like the beanie type hats?-Is it ok to "straighten up or pat down"my hair after waking, bathing, wearing a hat, etc?-When is the best time and application for adding oils to your hair? Mainly for an earthy smell.
Zachary Tyler
06/21/13 05:47:36AM
36 posts

New and worried.

Introduce Yourself

Hello I'm brand new and have been reading and taking notes from this site for a few weeks now. I am not currently dreading tho I plan to if a few months. I plan on going 100% Natural. I've learned so much from this site. Thank you for all the knowledge. I do have questions due to either I couldn't find the answer or I flat out didn't understand. Overall I'm so excited to do this I'm worried about screwing it all up lol. Any help is much appreciated. Tell me where to go and I'll share my questions. I look forward to growing knowledge. Thank you for your time.
updated by @zachary-tyler: 02/14/15 06:42:03AM
Zachary Tyler
07/09/13 11:51:13AM
36 posts

Natural Dreadlock Progression From 5-6 Inches Of Hair - A Dready Timeline - By Castaway Jesus

Member Journals and Timelines

I love your timeline. The dreads look great. I haven't started my journey yet but it looks as if our hair is similar. I'm afraid of loosing the natural sectioning when washing tho. But I also always have my hair back. I'll have to get use to wearing it down. Your timeline is great inspiration thank you.
Zachary Tyler
07/09/13 12:19:17PM
36 posts

Baking Soda and Sea Salt ratios

Dread Maintenance

I am in a hard water area. And tho I haven't started dreads yet I was with bs. But I seem to have no problems with it being to dry afterwards or the bs not mixing well. Should I go ahead and use bottled water or boil the water anyways? I'm on my 3rd week of washing my hair this way and do it twice a week. Maybe it is really dry and messed up but it doesn't seem like it.
Zachary Tyler
07/28/13 05:48:06AM
36 posts


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