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the energy could destroy this place..

melanie rose
11 years ago
177 posts
Thank-you very much for your response hippielovin :) I used to live ifn the city as well. I commend you for finding your own peace of mind in such a hectic environment._xx
updated by @melanie-rose: 07/23/15 04:02:55AM
11 years ago
300 posts

^ meditate in bed :D i do it alot!!

11 years ago
300 posts

^also interesting ideas about more hair=more energy/ability to absorb it from the earth/enviroment. sounds logical to me. personally dont believe in 'evolution', i believe i was created, so i kinda think we were given knowlege. i personally think the knowlege has diminished overall with time. kinda off subject, but you seem to think in depth like i do lol.

11 years ago
300 posts

ALSO. dammit sorry for all the posts, but have any of you noticed negative energy being stored in your dreads? i swear, one time we were at a friends house and it was loud and there were lots of different things going on and it was chaotic/overwhelming to me and i noticed my head felt kinda bad tingly and so i put my hair up and that helped. so im thinking perhaps they can absorb bad energy and so we should be careful of this and make sure to try to cleanse our energy/dreads after being in negative situations. or i could be crazy lol

11 years ago
300 posts

or moreso, we have gotten off track from the natural way of things by trying to out-dowhat we were given (lol like the EARTH. like GMOs asopposed to ...NATURAL FOOD that doesnt make its own pesticides and produce pharmaceudicals)...

KnotLady said:

^also interesting ideas about more hair=more energy/ability to absorb it from the earth/enviroment. sounds logical to me. personally dont believe in 'evolution', i believe i was created, so i kinda think we were given knowlege. i personally think the knowlege has diminished overall with time. kinda off subject, but you seem to think in depth like i do lol.

11 years ago
170 posts

Yes, locks can store negative energy just as well as positive.. That is a part of why some Rastas are almost always wearing a tam. That for sure isn't the only reason, but some people straight up are more often cautious about who they let their locks down around. I used to actually wear a tam any time I went out into public, but not so often anymore. It is possible to get rid of those negative energies in various ways, but one good remedy is Sage, or some of the other sacred herbs.

11 years ago
300 posts

nah i hear the same basic idea of things, but from different ideologies and i dont believe in coinsidence so all us wierdos gotta be onto something lol. also i do believe He made it a dynamic system. everything working interconnectedly. everything is essentially energy. alsoi believe "in the beginning was man" and i think that God gave him the knowlege to care for everything, and since the 'knowlege of good of evil was introduced', it has slowly deteriorated. im talking about inate/instinctual knowlege. or we have exchanged it for industialized ,"civilized" living. which to me is BS. i think there is a balance to all things that could be acheived, but we are fallen, making things alot more difficult.

hey i just htought of this, but what i said kinda backs up what you were saying. you said the light/energy travels up the hair shaft to the scalp and dreadies have more hair, and i put my hair up and it helped. possibly because i blocked the absorbtion by the ends being up?

melanie rose
11 years ago
177 posts
I've read a bit on shiatsu, but no personal experience with it. Have you any experience or thoughts on it?
Jennaleigh Moonflower
11 years ago
14 posts

This is a lovely story<3 You just refreshed my belief that we humansresemble the five points of the star: two hands, feet, and our cranium :) I'm so glad you shared this!

Jennaleigh Moonflower
11 years ago
14 posts

kind of like absorbing the negative energy and turning it into positive energy...

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