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Dreadlocks Forums


Spencer Dill
12 years ago
6 posts
Ok sounds good thanks man

soaring eagle said:


u can spray on 2 hours b4 u wash or just add to the bs and soak 10 min

not sure if it makes anty diference at all jusdt the 10 min soak does ya good

Spencer Dill said:

Alright awesome. Should I add the sea salt to the baking soda mix
Or do it separate? Thanks for helpin me out I really appreciate it

soaring eagle said:

u can steep thyme 20 min then spray on or add to the bs wash

vinager will degrease you but being acidic will increase4 oiul production too g=just like degreasing increases grease

you want to leave some oils that are healthy but have those oils be clean adding sea salt is a great option and maybe do acv every otherwash and weak till you start getting less oily

as u stretch it to washing very 3 or even 4 days yiu should see less oils produced

Spencer Dill said:

Well I don't think drying is an issue yet because I
Dont have to many dreads yet it's been a verrrryyy slow process I'm
Doing it natural. The smell I think is just like dirty scalp and hair Probably mostly from the grease I guess. Would I just boil the Thyme and soak it in water and poor that on my hair? Will the acv like degrease my hair?

soaring eagle said:

washing daily makes u greasy strip oils away and the scalp panics and produces oils

whats the smell like washing daily may not let it dry enough so could be mildew? if its more a dirty scalp smell then dont worry

thyme added will slowly reduce oil productiion

thyme as an oil or tea

u can spray on a thyme tea and smell like pizza or somethihf awhile as it gets less oily


baking soda is alkaline

acv acidic

normal hairs acidic slightly oily hairs more acidic

so u can try baking soda with very lil acv after or even none temporarily you dont want to make it too alkaline i=or u get dry and itchy but ocasionaly skipping the acv will slowly reduce theoiliness and when u do do acv make it lil extra wak and rinse imediately untill your hairs nmore normal to dry then ballance it out to a ph more like normal hair

updated by @spencer-dill: 07/13/15 11:47:02AM
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