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How often do you shower?

Rafael Rodriguez
11 years ago
41 posts
Maybe you didn't know how often he showered. Besides, after sex I like to go clean up at least. It doesn't have to be right away but it has to be done.
updated by @rafael-rodriguez: 07/23/15 04:05:30AM
Rebecca Johnson
11 years ago
8 posts

haha ill just sand in the shower for like20 mins after I wash just thinking about all kinds of stuff! its my best thinking place:p

B likes Tea said:

I usually only shower if I feel particularly dirty or stinky! So, probably every 2-3 days or so. I also only use soap on the parts of my body that get dirty/sweaty, so my usual shower usually only consists of washing my feet, underarms and other sensitive areas, etc. The rest of the time showering is devoted to contemplating the universe and making life decisions =]

11 years ago
72 posts

I have a quick shower before work to wake up , and a shower when I get home to clean up .... what a bizarre thread LOL

Tara C
11 years ago
644 posts

I shower a few times a week and the other days I just wash myself with a flannel and whatnot. Showers are horribly painful for me (as is water in general, actually), so I can't motivate myself to shower everyday just to keep up with what's socially acceptable. I don't really do any exercise, and when I do, I never sweat anywhere other than under my arms, and I'm hardly ever doing anything for dirt to get on me, so for my lifestyle, showering everyday would just be unnecessary. I feel refreshed after a general wash though, hence washing myself on the days I don't shower.

I never wash my dreads when I shower though. I don't know why, but I prefer to do it separately lol.

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