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west coast united states

matt krantzberg
11 years ago
20 posts
Southern California. 30 minutes from LA. I mean don't get me wrong. I have bear mountain and the beach both 30 minutes away. but I'd trade the beach for more pow.
updated by @matt-krantzberg: 07/27/15 08:16:40AM
11 years ago
14 posts

yeah i feel you, thats why i live in south lake. i have so many places to ride super close.

matt krantzberg
11 years ago
20 posts
im jealous of you mountain people...
11 years ago
14 posts
Ha, you can always relocate, or come visit!
matt krantzberg
11 years ago
20 posts
I've had relocation in my sights for years now. and it's either up there or Colorado.
11 years ago
14 posts
Two very solid choices, I just came back from a trip in Silverton, Co. Epic doesn't even begin t describe it...if you end up this way, hit me up. I manage one of the snowboard shops up here. Got the hookup :)
11 years ago
14 posts
Heli trip***
matt krantzberg
11 years ago
20 posts
I'll take you up on that :) how long do you guys usually have snow?(also sorry to hyjack the thread but I guess it's relevant)
11 years ago
14 posts

Usually from November thru April, there is a spot up here called "The Patch" that you can ride till Sept-Oct. Super awesome.

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