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the begining of my journey, nice to meet you all

kyle R.
12 years ago
16 posts

hey everyone, im kyle, im 20 years old and i live in New York. ive lived here in fishkill my whole life but am shortly going to be moving to vermont soon. im gona be going to a new college up there that focuses on some of the learing disabilaties i have been bleesed with (lol), i suppose alot of great people were dislexic, one being albert einstein. kinda a random statement but my dad looks exactly like him, any way i just recently decided to start my dread journey. i am hoping that along with learning self control by not combing my hair or maitneceing it,will help me in some other aspects of my life, but i am a free spirit thats why i decided to dread in the first place. anyone who knows me knows i dance to the beat of my own drummer. i am excited to begin my journey and share it with others who have decide to dread as well. i love seeing diffrent dreads on diffrent people because every dread is diffrent and unique, exspecially to the persons head it is on.

updated by @kyle-r: 01/13/15 09:17:44PM
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

That's so great that you look at your own problems as qualities to help you in life. Everything we face is just another learning experience for us.

Glad you decided to lock up. It's always nice to have another person who understands what it's like to be a free spirit and dance to their own drum.

I personal don't dance to any drum. I just sit and listen to the beat. I'm kind of a sloth that way. But I get it

Good luck. I hope to check in with your progress

kyle R.
12 years ago
16 posts

thanks dude, dont get me wrong, dancing is great, but i can sit back and just listen for a min, here in upstate ny the silence at night is theraputic almost, but the nature makes ist own beat, hard to explain other than its a noisy quietness, peaceful

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