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Baba Fats
09/29/13 09:17:11PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. Eagle is right about the crochet hook. Unfortunately, there's a lot of info out there telling people to crochet. But unfortunately, those sources are people who either have only had locks a short amount of time. Or people who just started crocheting. Either that or from salons who want you to pay them.

Each time you stick the hook through your hair, it rips hundreds of hairs into smaller and smaller pieces. this weakens your locks, making them brittle and fragile. Over a short period of time, continuous crocheting can cause your locks to snap under just their own weight

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
09/29/13 08:56:17PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but the crochet hook was a huge mistake that did extreme hARM AND DELAYS ANY PROGRESS BY 6 MONTHS IF ONLY USED ONCE

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10/12/13 06:19:20PM @soaring-eagle:


check your water type in your area if its moderately hard or harder dont use bronners

if its soft make sure you dilute it at least 12 times more water then soap

bronners is great in soft water but in hard water causes buildup from hell

if you have hard water is as good or better then bronners as ethical or more ethical as well

its awesome stuff

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10/12/13 06:19:20PM @soaring-eagle:


check your water type in your area if its moderately hard or harder dont use bronners

if its soft make sure you dilute it at least 12 times more water then soap

bronners is great in soft water but in hard water causes buildup from hell

if you have hard water is as good or better then bronners as ethical or more ethical as well

its awesome stuff

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