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dreadlocks shampoo


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any help would be appreciated!!!

user image 2013-02-19
By: Logan2
Posted in:

Hey all my dread head brothers and sisters. So I've heard all these good things about wool helping locks lock up faster. So yesterday I went to the salvation army to find a cheap wool sweater to put over my pillow case to sleep with to lock them up faster. The only bad thing is the best i could find was 80% wool 20% nylon. I bought that and used it last night. So the question to you guys is, is that good enough to use or should i do a better search for 100% wool? Also, I can't sleep with a tam, so a wool tam isn't an option.

Thank you in advance for any help,


02/20/13 12:57:39PM @logan2:
Awesome! Thanks a ton!

melanie rose
02/20/13 06:35:00AM @melanie-rose:
What you've got should work just fine, no worries brother. Welcome and don't hesitate to ask questions :] !

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