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Marc Harris
02/11/12 12:58:23AM
4 posts

Article Critique: "White People and Dreadlocks: A Problematic Union"

History and Religious Significance

Again the point is missed. I was not asking for an apology merely giving an example. I personally DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WHITE PEOPLE HAVING DREADS. I am also not talking about past things. it still happens to me in the twenty first century. Again not talking past atrocities. mostly I am tired of white people claiming racism about there hair. I am done with this conversation, I feel that I am talking to a brick wall.

taye said:

Ok i understand what you are saying Marc. I am sorry that some of my ancestors (whom i have never met) probably did bad things. I am sure some of yours did too. I personally am not responsible for their actions. I have no personal guilt. Just like my descendants will not be responsible for my actions. They may have to live with consequences but not the responsibility. I am sorry if that hurts you. I am sorry if you think that makes me a bad person. I treat everyone with respect and kindness. If my words or actions are misinterpreted I am sorry. But the issue isn't about what has been done by other people in the past. it is about right now. The issue is about knotted hair. The issue is about people getting angry upset or uncomfortable because people with white skin have locks. You are the one that is not seeing the point. Get past your generalized anger and your blame. Why blame everyone with white skin for racism and for past atrocities? Why do you think that I need to feel guilty? What exactly have i done to wrong to a race a gender a religion or a sexuality? I am sorry but i do not have to get past the guilt or the wrong doing. I am ashamed that the human race can be so cruel and evil. but that does not make me cruel nor does the fact that i am human make me evil.

Marc Harris
02/10/12 10:48:06PM
4 posts

Article Critique: "White People and Dreadlocks: A Problematic Union"

History and Religious Significance

I believe you are still not seeing my point. you still see it from your point of view. I have not walked in your shoes, You have not walked in the shoes of a 40 yr old black, native american, spanish person. I have everyday, for 40 years. My point is, if the world is only conformist or non con-formist, it would be easy to have this discussion. It isn't, and I Really struggle to try to get this across. Not that you can change your core, but lets say for argument sake you need to conform. Example you need to make money so that your family can survive, friend offers you a job. He says I know you don't want to do it but you need to get a hair cut, take the piercings out, hide the tattoos. He says its the only way. You reluctantly do it. Life goes on. Not the case for minorities. 25 years have passed, sure there have been improvements and there has also been a lot of hiding of attitudes and feelings. I feel that White people need to acknowledge the guilt to get past the guilt and the wrong doing. When Clinton was president he was asked as to why the native americans should receive an apology from the united states but not african americans. I believe he did not reply.

taye said:

Hello Marc, I am 44 years old. I can remember the first time that i was confronted with racism. It was when my niece was born... 25 years ago I took her to the grocery store and she was just tiny. There were these older women ( I guess they were about 75years old) They assumed that I was her mother. I don't know if they wanted me to hear them..or if they thought I couldn't hear them but they had this conversation about me..."isn't that a shame..that girl has a black good man will ever want her now....she has ruined her life...." it broke my heart. Not for me...but for my beautiful niece. But things have changed drastically in 25 years. Maybe because a whole generation of bigots have died off.

I have 2 nieces and a nephew that are mixed. My nephew is also homosexual. My daughter is a lesbian. These are not just acquaintances....this is my family. My mother was so ashamed of being half native american that she would lie. In the 1950s she told people that she was half Hawaiian to explain her coloring because it was more socially acceptable at the time. And I beg your pardon...but my great grandmother Lina walked the trail of tears. I may have white skin but don't judge me or my life by that. I understand a lot more than you are giving me credit for.

I said that we are equal, not that racism does not exist. I know that there is a whole lot of hate, not just in America...but everywhere. Racism is just one form of that hate. Racism is hate bathed in ignorance. As long as there are people who hate difference or have the need to feel superior... it will continue.There are people with ugly hearts that spew ugly words. I am very sorry that you have been called names. But it is your choice to let those words effect you.

Maybe it is because I surround myself with more open minded people....but no..I do not hear Obama jokes regarding race. I do hear people complaining about his policies and his actions. Seriously he was voted president of the united states....i heard a lot worse about Bush.

What I responded to was someone saying they were "uncomfortable" when they saw white people with dreads. I did not miss the point. My hair has absolutely nothing to do with any race. I am not doing some type of social experiment by adopting a hair style from the african culture. Again I am 44 years old...I am not trying to is not just some sort of fad for me. My reason for dreads is personal and no one else's business. I can not cut my hair and magically become another person. I am who I am. I have been called a dirty hippy all of my life....way before i ever had dreads. I know that I am clean...i don't care if some one wants to call me dirty. I do not care what is said about me. I do not have the need nor the desire to cut my hair to fit in. I also do not have the need nor the desire to really justify the fact that I have locks. The fact that it makes people angry or uncomfortable because I have white skin and i have locks is proof that racism does exist.

Marc Harris
02/10/12 10:24:19PM
4 posts

Article Critique: "White People and Dreadlocks: A Problematic Union"

History and Religious Significance

You are still missing the point.

Angel Frye said:

YES, racism does exist still in America. But so does reverse racism. When in university I saw the most obscene variety of reverse racism .. I can't even describe it, really. Mostly it boiled down to white people not even being able to look another person of a different color in the eyes without being sneered at.

"Reverse racism is a controversial term which refers to racial prejudice or discrimination directed against the traditionally dominant racial group in a society. It is sometimes used as a pejorative description of systems which discriminate in favour of members of racial minorities, more formally known as reverse discrimination or affirmative action ."

And to anyone who wants to look at my white cracker(cracker doesn't just mean what you think it means.... look up the history of Florida. I'm considered a "Conch" too. I was born and raised in Key West.) self and tell me that I have no business wearing locks I'll say the same thing to anyone, no matter what color they are or how nice/rude they are about their opinion: "It's my hair and I like it. Get over yourself."

Marc Harris
02/10/12 08:10:18PM
4 posts

Article Critique: "White People and Dreadlocks: A Problematic Union"

History and Religious Significance

Hi, long time lurker first time poster. always wanted to say that. I am half native american and black and a little spanish. For what its worth I agree with Charley. I kinda felt his point was missed. The point being that if a white person has dreads and the are ridiculed by society for being a"dirty hippie" they can always get a hair cut and make themselves presentable. I understand, that should not be the case, but lets face it in America that is how it is in some places. We all agree, I think That if we put are minds to it anyone of us can accomplish the things we set out to do. We all can go to college, some will have to work harder than others, it doesn't matter what race you are. Yes minorities do have access to funding that the average white male does not have, cry cry :) . So you graduate college or in my case just started working out of high school. I am a good person, yah I have gotten into fights, it happens, I speed everywhere, oh and I am pot head, but other than that nothing really separates me from many of my white friend, except for a few things. I am not white. i think a lot of blacks, latinos, natives do not tell there white friends the truth about racism in america. I know I am guilty of this also. I pay my bills, try to stay out of trouble, be courteous to everyone, help people when I can. basically I am not a burden on society. life is great no complaints really to speak off. Except this one. Being not just a minority, but being black in America in the twenty first century. We minorities are pitted against each other all the time. I see it in the media with presenter saying, that hispanics are the number one minority in America surpassing black, sorry African Americans. that is wrong. There should be no minorities period. Everyone should be the same, or at least the right to succeed in life without being called names like nigger (opps I sad it), spic, cunt, chinc, wop, jew, sand nigger. These word are just words, but they are very, very painful and still used today in the twenty first centruy. These word are still used to day in every part of this country. Have you not seen or heard the Obama joke that go around the work place, bars, peoples homes? Its funny when your grand parents or parents for us older peps, I am 40, use to tell use to calm down, this has all happened before. I am talking about war, prohibition, global depression. guess what it is happening all over again. I have been called a nigger for dating a white woman, just last year i beleive it was 2011. I did not deserve that. I could go on and on, but even I tire of hearing myself complain. Back to the point, when a white person decides to rejoin society they can with very little to no consequences you can, by that I mean you are no longer a dirty hippie. I am still Black. Yes I understand that just because you are White you will not have an easy life. I understand that because you have every inch of your body pierced, tattooed, or modified people will move to the other side of the street, mothers will pick up there children in the store because they feel that you might harm them in some way, women crossing the street to avoid you. I get it. That can change by removing the piercings take the coke cans out of your ears, cover or remove your tattoos, cut the locs. Guess what, I can not nor would I want to change the color of my skin. Michael Jackson tried it, white people still called him black. I am still juged by the color of my skin. To be fair in my case I am judged by white people, black people as well as hispanic people. the only place i feel absolutely at piece, is on the RESERVATION. Lets set somethings strait. Been fighting terrorism since 1492. Natives discovered Columbus he did not discover America. You will find these bumper stickes all over the reservation. Same reservation that all of your white ancestors put us on. No we should not get over it. Go tell a Jewish person that he should forget the holocaust. You wouldn't think of it, unless you happen to fit the profile of a white racist. I probably have offened several people. not my intention. I don't know why but this particular topic angered me. I will apologize for the run on paragraph and any mis spelling. I just think the point was missed. For the record I do not think anyone owns the copy right to dreads, dreadlocks, locs. Like everyone has said, hair grows, don't comb it and it will lock. I don not get offended by white people having locs. I get offend it when white people tell me that racism in America doesn't exist, black people use the word NIGGER (do as I say not as I do), Racism is not dead by any means. African Americans are still not given jobs because of the color of their skin, Hispanics now have to prove that they are U.S. citizens in arizona. Thats right you now can be pulled over for the color of your skin in Arizona. Some argue most of them are illegal, so they should have to prove they are citizens of this country even though they were born here. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, transgendered people are still getting beat up for no reason. Has for all of the non Americans readying or not understanding this rant, your countries have issues as well no country is perfect. I have live in several european countries.


taye said:

Before I say this..I want you to know I am not upset with you Charley. This is not a personal attack, I promise.What I am going to say is not said with anger or judgement. It is just my opinion.

There were Native Americans with dreads. This whole country was taken from them. They were put onto reservations where they were forced to speak english and attend christian churches. The goal was to completely wipe out their culture. My grandmother was raised on the reservation in Cherokee North Carolina, but she only knew a few words in her ancestral tongue. If anyone has the right to fuss about cultural appropriation it would be them. But you don't hear all the racist remarks coming from them. It is ridiculous to claim ownership of dreads from any one culture. I feel sorry for the people who get angry because i happen to have a certain color of skin and i have locks. Get over the skin color thing. We are equal. There were a lot of wrongs done in the past and there will always be people full of hate. But it is 2012. The only time I hear the "N" word is coming out of black people's mouths. Diversity quota....that is funny to me. I have never even thought of that...I just think everyone is in college because....maybe they want an education? I too have been followed around stores..I too have been pulled over by the police for no reason. All because I am a "dirty hippy" (no we are not called dirty barbarian gauls...we are called dirty hippies).

Everyone is shamed for their bodies and body types. Not just black people. That has to do with fashion magazines are too fat, your eyes are too small..your breasts are too small. Your teeth are not straight or white enough......anything and everything about us gets critiqued. Your skin is too dark or your skin is too light. Everyone is beautiful..we should not let an industry or the media define our beauty.

If some guy wants to claim a cultural right to dreads...let him. He was probably born in a hospital just like me. Went to the same type of schools, shops in the same stores, lives in the same neighbor hoods, celebrates the same holidays, speaks the same language. Watches the same movies. Eats the same foods. Lives in the same society....hence sharing the same culture...hmmmm.

I am not going to spend my short time here on earth worrying about what other people think. If some racist jerk wants to spend his/her time being angry because I choose to wear my hair a certain way that is their problem, not mine.

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