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Kundalini Rise


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Perspective is Subjective

By Kundalini Rise, 2010-04-17
There is a discrepancy between the meaning of words and the reality of the situations they are applied to. You might hear someone say, "Good food." While they truly mean the food tastes good, and not all good tasting food is "positive" or good in the sense that it is healthy for you. Which to some, is what should matter.What is more and becomes visible with further examination is that the "good" taste is dependent upon the sense of the person tasting it. This, we know, is personal preference, where there is a measure of similarity but also some unpredictable differences. So the usage of the word in the sense of what is "good" is not only incorrect, in the sense that some value "good" as healthy, while it is also incorrect in the understanding that taste is down to a personal preference.The words themselves are incapable of defining the experience what they are meant to share, without the use of more complex expressions and even then they can only act as indicators of personal preference. In many cases they are used in the same format as fact.While only a part of human experience (communication), I believe this discrepancy creates ripples of confusion through the sea of expression of human individuality and society.Similar to Orwell's 1984, these are aspects of communication which limit the more expressive variety of linguistic understanding and slowly re-routes the more expanse out of the system. This occurs when a person who has a wider point of view, comes in contact with a person with a more limited point of view, and the conflict does not result in a positive transmutation of both views. Learning always occurs, but personal growth and internal view point change, sometimes is replaced with ego. When the result is a more distinguished limitation, rather than a reduction of limitations and conflict and a realization of indirect similarity through variety, then the more limited view is pressing the wider view out of it's reach and will ultimately result in a more limited communication experience.For this reason alone, arguing through raw emotion or on the basis of superficial differences, usually does not initiate anything but a degradation of the quality of experience, unless the experiences of differences are based upon truly internal aspect. Even so, the learning experience always occurs, but the learning process can be accelerate by abandoning or transmuting lower aspects of the experience into meaningful ones. This alchemy of reality is occurring constantly within the interplay of the conscious and subconscious mind.The more expressive usage would be to define what is "good" about the qualities being commented on(the context), as well as to incorporate an "I think" or "To me" aspect to the expression. This is yet another context, but it is a constant, that goes without saying.When it goes without saying for so long, in a society which doesn't seek to expand on individuality, individuality is forgotten, and becomes something of an undesirable aspect to the lesser individual, because it is not understood. Unless it is introduced by a third party (neither the individual, or the society commonality as a whole), in a positive and accepted manner, the individual themselves is the only one who can make the expansive change to look to and accept information that is not in their original realm of experience. Your perspective creates your realm of experience in accordance with how much of your free will you give to the forces at play in the world.To include the context of what you are assigning a value to, whether positive or negative, brings about the larger context of aspects, and to restate that it is your perspective alone, indicates that you in essence, include yourself in the equation as well as cease excluding the rest of the world and it's possibilities.
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By Kundalini Rise, 2010-04-17
All (hu)man evolves. When you embark on such a collective journey, you become a part of the largest possible movement. The illusory struggles of everyday life become lessened or transparent by the light of the higher goal which is interconnected with all forms of life. Positivity and love are paramount to the process, as the rules of emotion and human consciousness need to be balanced just as much as the laws of physics and biology do.Terrence Mckenna defined his theory through a series of darwinian observations. Following natural law he explains how our ancestors may have traveled to grassland planes, after the drying of the jungle, in a search for more sustenance. The mushroom, being a prime source of nutrients in the environment, comes into view.With the event of experiments involving the mushrooms one could conclude that they could have a beneficial and naturally productive effect on wild life, especially with the manner and amount that they would've been ingested in, due to the natural food testing behavior of animals in the area. Their visual acuity is sharpened. Muscular tension, stamina, and strength is increased. Higher functions of the cerebral cortex activate for more complex thought patterns, sexual identityl, integration into a community, relaxation etc etc. All indicates that the mushroom bearing ape is the fittest to survive and thus allowed for increased population, genetic expansion and ultimately higher evolution (homo sapien).What do you feel?Whatever you focus on may ignite the fire of your imagination resulting the creation of your future self.
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By Kundalini Rise, 2010-04-17
This might come as a shock, or an abnormality to you, but you have always existed, and always will. When you transcend polarity, the dual opposites become one in the same, and the similarity between them becomes an expansive new realm of experience.Follow your heart, it's natural.Define your mind and create a rhythm of history.What goes up must come down. The constant quest for high happiness is the key to suffering. Being neither extremely happy, or extremely sad, but finding acceptance and prosperity through peace, will result in long lasting enjoyment of life.The happiest possible future is created and waiting for you, you just need to accept it. Doubt is literally the struggle to remain where you are, in an ever changing universe.How you feel dictates what you imagine or visualize. What you imagine or visualize dictates the outcome of events in your life and ultimately your future state. By guiding your emotions towards positivity, you can guide your experiences in life to the most variety for your purpose. Decide on your purpose and begin positively guiding your emotions, and then visualizing on where you want to be.I get rushes of energy from the core of my being that produce great emotional, physical, and intellectual stimulation, the energy radiates outward and must be guided towards a productive expression.Keep evolving, keep changing. When you stop altering your understanding of life, your language and your vision, you stop learning.Every day is a chance to be the person you want to be. Every moment is an opportunity to send positivity to yourself and others.The more people I connect with, the more expanse my dreams become. Creativity is a conscious, living energy, does it feel welcome in your life?Pro-Tip: Don't sweat and keep moving.Scientists have actually found a delay between theelectrical impulse of sensation that is found in the chemical and electricalinteractions in the brain, and the actual "I feel it" response of anindividual's awareness. Meaning you are experiencing the brain's idea ofthe perception; not only are you not experiencing the world itself, butyou are experiencing the brain's carefully created image of what it's electrical signals most likely indicate. A very complex way of doing it, why do you think it's like this? Could it bepossible that it's all in your...head? Of course can feelwhat's real...using your brain.Balance your energy, get into a healthy routine, even out your diet, and take charge of how you feel, and your life.Anything is possible, by anyone.Coming together with a purpose, is the goal. The more you involve yourself in sharing of information, expression, and artful emotion, the more you realize who you are and what you have to express. The more you will align yourself with a network and routine that fits the collective goal.Yoga And Meditation Everyday, Aligns the Energy Centers, the Mind and Positively Expresses your Intention to be Healthy.Stop fighting the future and the present will evolve into a state the past cannot hold! Or maybe, accept the future and the past, to become the most real NOW.There is a constant motion of memes and processes on the planet based upon different drives, to accept this wave of oneness, is to be part of a potential shift in paradigms due to the overwhelming view of positivity. Accept and guide the energy towards the highest and most positive potential possibility, allow it to flow, and guide towards healing and awareness.You live out your life, pushing for something positive to happen, with whatever goals you may have, with whatever groups/systems they may be connected with. Focus on the most positive goal, that connects with the most people and is attributed to the highest intentions and most universal change. Be yourself and have fun. I am on a journey, as are you.Separate yourself from desire so that your soul may be free from worldy incarnative cycles, we are eternal, but only when we view ourselves as such.The idea is to transform selfishness into Joy with the art of giving.Every and any time you restrain yourself from expressing or saying out loud, something you feel, believe in, or feel the need to do, you limit yourself from knowing who you really are. In order to best reflect the higher purpose of the creation here we must spread love, light, and awareness by expressive our true creativity and innermost wonders.We are ALL ONE, remove the filters within your body (purify) so that you can properly utilize your emotional, mental, and physical capabilities to add to the creativity of the world.Reality is neither inherently beautiful or disgusting, it simply is. True emotion surpass language and words and strike the soul like prismatic lightning, rumbling for better or worse long afterwords while you reflect on the burned image still fading from your mind's eye.All matter is just energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.Love is the only true emotion. The idea behind it is that love, or the experience of total unconditional acceptance is the most powerful energy in existence, is the common quality in all examples of life, and will cause evolution through self-reflection or realizing yourself through witnessing what you believe to be yourself and then realizing that you are more.
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Transcending Duality

By Kundalini Rise, 2010-04-17
This is one of the most important aspects of consciousness, the process of change that goes beyond limit, linearity, or definition. The process of exponentially transcending the boundaries of the original locality into a realm who's boundaries are in a continuously (never ending) unique way relative to the previous.When you have two states of existence, matter, or an energy spectrum (defined by polar opposites, extremes, or boundaries of the experiential/definable/measurable llimit), what does the definition of the state become when you are perfectly 50% (is it possible?) in between one extreme and the next? Are you one polar definition, the other, neither, both, or perfectly in between and thus something entirely different?That is the basis of transcendence, removing the limitation of polarity, and becoming more than the previous boundaries permit. The question is, how do you escape the boundary or the limit when they travel infinitely in either direction? You could stop seeking to escape in a linear aspect (one or the other) and remain perfectly balanced and unmoved by the extremes, in the middle, and transcend to higher ground. Instead of moving the mountain physically, you change your perspective of the mountain, in experience, and a new picture appears as a result.To find the continuously unique and transcending option of experience, you must begin to change the very way you think, which by definition is humanly, and by nature limited. The hemispheres of the brain have counter-complementary functions, as do the archetypal nature of consciousness such as female/male. The expanse nature of the right brain must be allowed to find expression through the human vessel and life experience, through the continuous incorporation of higher, more free, and more intuitive/artistic forms of thinking and being. It is not out of human nature to be limited, it is simply not the totality of the human existence, and in truth, never was. The limited aspect is what you see when you focus on the outlines, or the shadow created by life, rather than the life experience itself. So the left-brain's linearity based limitations are not so much a problem, until one is consumed with the incorporation of material, physical, separate (dual) ways of living, so that the higher aspect becomes virtually non-existent. It is not possible to truly become linear, and limited, because eventually the body is released and the consciousness will become something larger.The idea is to reach this realization while in the body, within the left-right brain duality experience, out of choice and will power, so as to truly represent the higher nature, by the definition of a self-awareness initiated shift towards an expression of repeated transcendence of those dualities.In doing this, you capture, express, and embody the spirit of individuality and self-awareness.The trick is to understand that this process never ends, but it does increase in experience, exponentially, and through levels of connectivity with itself and other levels of experiences.In fact, you are currently existing in a multi-dimensional, non physical, eternal state, you simply are focusing on a particular aspect of yourself which represents a particular series of times and locations in the universe. The actual path of your life, and it's representations through decisions is infinite, and all possibilities are existing concurrently and are accessible only when the limitations are removed. Like I stated previously, this is either through the release of the physical body through natural death, or the conscious ascension of the limiting factors of the human and physical existence which are desire, linear thinking, and duality.
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By Kundalini Rise, 2010-04-17
Keeping journals is one of the most important things you can do to observe and continuously improve your life.A Dream JournalAt first you may want to start with a simple dream journal. The more you attempt (if you have trouble) to remember your dreams, the more your brain will train itself to access those levels of memory, it will actually become easier. The key is consistency though, as soon as you allow the memories to fade, they will become less prominent and therefore less easily accessed. Imagine how quickly the dreams fade from view, as you wake up and begin integrating into the actions of the daily routine.So you keep the journal, a pen/pencil and pad/paper, a computer, or a tape recorder/video tape. Any thing you can do to record your experiences will improve your ability to do so in the future, even running through the experiences in your mind, or telling the story to a friend. Eventually you will begin to remember each dream, in detail, from the moment you wake up You may want to keep a pad on you throughout the day, as you usually begin a snowballing effect as soon as you start the remembering process as certain events and triggers cause your dreams to resurface minutes to hours later.You have on average about 5-6 dreams a night, every night. How many of them do you remember? There are what you could call classes of dreams, some are based on pure release for the conscious mind, due to inspirations or desires which could not be purged during the day. Kind of like a playground to let out the pent up energy. Other dreams have a deeper meaning. They may be indicative of some kind of underlying emotional or intellectual aspect of yourself, which seeks expression and acknowledgment. Yet other dreams seem to have a prophetic aspect, where they are a warning, a foreshadowing, or a hint of what lies ahead. Pay attention to that, and you may be dreaming the future in no-time.All dream experiences are based on metaphor and can only truly be defined by the dreamer.A Diet JournalThe next (or first) step is to keep your very own diet journal. To watch and record everything you intake, no matter how small, no matter the time or event. Record everything you eat and drink, and you will notice trends. You will see where cravings become prominent and actually change your behavior (this observation comes full circle with the advent of the Daily Journal). You will see where and what you eat too much of, where this is imbalance, and how you could easily create a cycle/menu to consistently intake the required nutrients without having to search for something to eat, or settle for something less than desirable.It begins with wake up, and the first meal/drink of the day, and moves from then on, with each snack, drink (water may be excluded, up to you), and portion. Until you have a full idea of what goes in (and out) of you during the course of a week to a month. Eventually the trends will spell themselves, and when or if you've been following the Daily Journal you will notice the correlations in diet and your energy and mood. Healthy eating is key, key to healthy thinking and dreaming, which is key to creating a positive future.A Daily JournalThis is one of the most important forms of journalism. What you write in this journal will depict your emotions, your dreams, and the effects of your diet all in one. Starting when you wake up, after the completion of the daily dream journal entry (which is often completed throughout the day as the dreams resurface), it is the reflection of how you feel, your mood and what you seek to get done for the day.Goals, decisions, and perceptions can be recorded here as soon as you are fully awake and ready to begin thinking and planning ahead. Make the goals suitable for one day, and at the end of the day, look back and see how far you've gotten. If you haven't made improvement, then set lower goals so that you may complete them in the given time.After an activity, after exercise, or after a creative experience, you may want to write in this journal.Instead of trying to remember (which will also, come as you will become easier the more you practice) all at once at the end of the day, keeping a pad and pen on you is handy. Or being around a computer to take notes which will help keep everything ready to be expanded on.This is an important practice for the brain, it activates creative centers and improves the function of memory creation and recall. More-so, you will have a different view of yourself, almost from a third person perspective, the more you record your life in this manner. Whether video, music, expressive, creative, journalism, informative, etc, it will allow you to see yourself.So it accelerates the learning process, wherever you are, in the most important field, You.Eventually you will have a better idea of where your faults lie, what you are addicted to (even unknowingly), what you don't spend enough time on, what you are ignoring and don't want to write about, and much more. It's a very fun process and it will tell you about yourself.
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Posture and Breathing

By Kundalini Rise, 2010-04-17
Hint: Stand tall, suck in your stomach. Be active and healthy, do it for the right reasons.Eventually your energy will balance itself. What this means for you, experientially, is up to how you perceive yourself.Your skeletal structure must be aligned for the internal organs to work properly and in unison. Your muscular and ligament/tendon connectivity and density/tensegrity (joint to muscle to joint) requires tension and strength in order to pull your skeleton into alignment.Your jaw and tongue has to be in a particular agreeance to allow for air flow and relaxation/alignment of the neck muscles with the temporomandibular joint to allow for the brain stem and spine to move into alignment. When you see someone practicing yoga, this is what they are hinting at. The joy of physical exertion and sports is an example. Good food (healthy!), mainly raw and organic vegetables and fruits are vital to this concept and will ultimately yield a healthier mind and relationship between the body and it's environment. Villages that eat proper raw, organic, foods and lead natural fulfilling lives develop this part of their body fully and have broad noses and jaw lines. (Weston A Price) Working out, running, jogging, yoga, stretching, basically any physical activity will stimulate the organs and promote growth and positivity.Eventually the jaw, breath, brain stem and spine, skeletal structure, internal organs, blood flow, muscular tensegrity (the constant push and pull between bones and ligaments and muscles joint to joint) will all come into alignment. This will allow your body to become in tune with itself by shape, and internally through fluid/glandular exchange and the stimulation of growth and an active nervous system. From there, thoughts and mental structure must move past each circuit of awareness, starting with survival, instinct, and lower emotional/family integration levels. These cycles activate throughout childhood and into adulthood and the manifesting of the personality through decision making and preference. Your decisions create (or represent...) your being.A lifetime of experience in close contact with nature and the abundant sources of life, awareness, and the ability to learn and create properly, yields an awareness that is beneficial to the planet itself, as well as it's 'oversoul' or group consciousness. Currently, the planetary masses panic and commit murder. Without becoming fully aware of the processes at hand. This is due to many situational elements in our history and present day.There has been much regression in the evolution of our civil personality within the larger historical context, yet the introduction of high end technology and the ability to reflect on a more deeper scale and truly become aware of ourselves, our actions and differences, initiates an even higher shifting of possibilities. There lies a potentially very complex and consciousness rich future before us. If we make the decision to live peacefully together and work to help the environment.The first few cycles of awareness are where the majority of the planet remain, due to mental, physical, and emotional toxins we ingest.After the lower circuits become enabled/engaged and then surpassed after understanding and communication with each aspect of the self is reached, they work in unison to activate the higher circuits of the spiritual experience which integrate one's social identity (your 'name', you as described by your job, childhood, culture etc etc) into the larger aspect of the human race and ultimately universal being.The learning transforms the individual when the individual sees the larger view, beyond the scale of the previously considered finite realm. This is the constant transcendence that consciousness goes through to expand upon itself. The self grows and learns in one occurrence of realization.Lower forms of expression and circuitry are based within primal needs and offer a rather raw and unconscious path through life. This is more geared towards the beginning levels of consciousness, but as the layers of self-awareness peel away giving truth to the actual form of the conscious being, the illusion of the lower levels give away to deeper truths. The animalistic forms are no longer needed, as the conscious being becomes more of a consciousness, and less of a physical and animal, or of a primal nature. The consciousness being added, is not a deviation of the norm or an alien or additional form, but a finer and clearer expression of the underlying consciousness within. This form does not require lower contexts, transfers, or primal existences, but they may always exist as part of this cycle.It is complex enough to unify the individual characteristics of human nature through genetics and will provide a way for all humans to initiate growth and wealth in the life experience without harm or imbalance to another. We must put aside our preconceived notions of who we are, and see that we area literally one being.What has become alien. What has become a deviation. Is the descent into the abyss of imbalance and confusion that man has become entranced within, and devoted to pursuing. The future man, existing in a lower form of physical identity, interaction, and responsibility, is alien to the more complex world containing technology that exposes and ties together the loose ends of our experience by showing the world what the world is and does to itself. In this age a vast amount of information and learning experiences are more accessible to the masses and we must bring our daily life and interactions with each other, on a micro-scale, up to par with this macro-view.The universal being is without limits, without name, identity or boundary. The only commonality is the presence of the respect for life, and the experience of love. This is the basis of all existence, whether it is cellular, protein/amino-acid chain, primal, or self-aware. If we can learn to live this in our daily life, and to each other, we will surpass any problematic limitations we currently perceive.Being able to understand and integrate the impact of the human consciousness on the planet, is part of working with higher consciousness, which has the goal of unifying every conscious force in the environment. Everything, everyone, everywhere is involved, yet it starts with you, within your world; the self. Dieting, thoughts, meditation, dreams, yoga, interactions, exercise; it's all connected.Knowing yourself, your emotions, why you feel the way you do, the goals you have, the fears that block you from moving on, and your attachments is part of the process of discovering yourself as a whole being. Slowly we peel away the layers of physicality and illusion that we use to represent ourselves, and like changing close, become something entirely more casual. What is casual is what easily represents our true nature, without trying or thinking. The brand name apparel, gets removed and replaced with a more form-fitting, naturally woven, beautifully colored article of clothing that just feels right. No one had to tell you what to change into, because no one can, and chances are, if they are picking out outfits for you, then those clothes will make you feel uncomfortable in the long run.As an eternal being. How would you know you exist? How would you know what love is? What light is? Do you come to terms with your eternal nature? Or do you find comfort in the mortality of the body (just the outfit)?You may experience for all eternity, but there still may be the issue of actually determining that you know you are experiencing it, and more so, that you know you are aware of your awareness of the experiencing. This doesn't even touch on the subject of then being able to express this determination of awareness, this self-awareness.What allows this extension of simple awareness into self-awareness is a self-awareness loop, or a feedback loop, this is present in cycles of consciousness or experience. This can be seen plainly in harmonics. It's present in your life in every daily routine stemming from mental habits, to dietary needs (more so habit as well). To your bio-rhythms of day and night/sleep patterns, short-term hormonal functions regulating sleep, mood, diet, and energy. The long-term hormonal cycles of the body's development through the ages. Including the cycles of personal experience and preference which we cycle through, development, expand upon, alter, and edit as we experience life. Everything, is a cycle, and every cycle is connected to and interacting with another larger cycle.What we like and tend to focus on, shifts through a kaleidoscope of images, ideals, cultures, beliefs, perceptions and ultimately selves. As we become a new individual or the ever changing individual, we move in cycles, through cycles. Right down to each and every breath and how it's in direct control of your posture, energy, and stress levels. Yes, every cycle is part of a larger cycle, and they do not end.The more interesting aspect, to me, is the macro-cycle which involves larger change on a more ultimate level, over a longer time span. The development of our planetary culture and belief system has grown like genetic meme with the fittest surviving longest. But there has been a stray from natural form, that has resulted in the repetitive and cyclic nature of the genetic evolution process becoming stagnate and stalemated.Evolution is not flawed, but control has literally been handed to the most aware individual. That is yourself, and the perceptions within. What (who?) do you give your attention to? What do you give your control to? You always pass it along, because we are not in control of everything. You give it into the world you are creating by living. You cannot find a more real source, and a more truer understanding of who you are and what you are to do than you can by looking within. As long as you maintain the understanding and wholeness of compassion and equality, you are the truth. This is about regaining that free-will, that portion of your control that is handed to the world at birth.The current age has taken the leading edge of the planetary development from having it's roots in the fundamental cycle of all existence, through life and death and the struggle for survival, and it has maintained that dog eat dog appeal while introducing high-end technology and levels of intimate combinations of scientific and religious understanding of self-awareness. Man takes over their evolution by something as simple as genetically modified foods, overgrowing their environment and designing the daily routine in a materialistic manner. Although there is great intelligence on this planet, there is a lacking of fulfillment within the personal, common life.You will see, the owners, the rulers, and the designers of the common personal life, are literally giving the power, to the highest bidder. The power to design your life, your home, your diet, your mind, if you are a part of the commonality here, is given directly to the hands of the one with the most money.Anything about that strike you as odd....?The everyday human does not tend to have the best understanding of these cycles, at least as not as much as the ones in control of the cities of the world. The important aspects of the understanding are left out of view of daily life, while the media focuses on violence, terror, and oppression. Indulgence, and gratification. Intellectualizations without knowledge, and partiality instead of wholeness with the one truth.The common view of everything focuses on this, from fast food to entertainment, to every institutionalized aspect of the physical world. It is all tied into money and economy, and this is accepted because it sells. There is truth just have to find it.Because the highest bidder is the one who has the most power in this world, instead of the one with the most love or highest awareness, everyday, people simply have bad posture.Their mental posture doesn't allow for the ability to focus longer than the average span between commercials or t.v. shows. (or classes) They do not know how to feed themselves, or exist in harmony with nature. There emotions control them, and guide them by decisive force as they become used to giving into desire because the environment they're in constantly has forms of temptation or mind-numbing advertisements or negativity.Their physical posture is weaker and doesn't produce the best outcome. Just imagine what a species would evolve into, if it's daily routine, consisted of sitting at a desk, slouching, and eating bad food under artificial lighting in an electrically poisoned environment. Sci-fi much?The idea is that society is changing. What it/you become is up to the life you lead and what you pay attention to.This is not a coincidence, that the most popular and largest companies, trends, and movements are currently infatuated with technology and the ease and pleasure of living, no matter the cost to the rest of the world. This only reflects how individuals treat each other, how we treat ourselves, personally.What you will notice though, is that there is a larger cycle, a larger function to every human. A larger goal.A heart.A soul. (Destiny)?And that the planet itself has a soul and a caring heart, and has been in a larger cycle for the better part of the duration of time and space here, and that we are only a small portion of this cycle.What this cycle culminates to, is dependent on your ability to focus on unconditional love, as it is the highest form of awareness. This is maintained through the proper negotiating of the bodies energy requirements, through the balancing of your emotional energy, all the while developing and evolving personally and intellectually. We are here to help each other.Eventually, to come to the conclusion that you are aware, alive, and made of love (energy/emotion/light,[EEG?]) you must first move through the gradient of the experiencing of duality. This is the archetypal breakdown of polar opposites of man, animal, and ultimately separatism and physicality.To realize that you are eternal, you must experience life in finite terms. To become aware that you are alive, you must move into the potential of life and death. To know love, you must experience the lower alternative.This does not mean that you must experience negativity/darkness to experience the light, it means you must experience the duality to become aware of the difference and thus the presence of either.Consciousness, through the human brain, is defined by difference. This does not mean you must come here either as the only way to experience consciousness in this form, because a reduction of all forms of polarity and conscious definition usually doesn't yield a less conscious experience, but a less distinct and more imaginative or expanse experience. This is a reduction in the definition and labeling of reality. It basically means you do not need to walk through the field observing and knowing the name and species/characteristics of every flower you see in order to feel the wonder of the experience. The reduction of the defining characteristics can yield a more positive and fulfilling experience if they are realigned within a caring and emotionally(energetically), biologically, and environmentally sensitive way.As an eternal being, you choose to become mortal. As the infinite, you decide upon a finite existence, this is the cycle of co-creation, life and death. The evolution of awareness through the layers of physical, and mental circuitry. The experience of life through the body. The evolution of the cosmos in the physical form, and levels of awareness based within it.In the end, your energy, what is truly experiencing through your body, cannot be destroyed or erased. It is simply adding to it's infinite list of expansions of the self. Knowledge is synonymous within the self, as it is eternal, and forever expanding.
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I had a Kundalini Experience

By Kundalini Rise, 2010-04-16

I am one?The day was relaxed, apparently uneventful, although I realize it was the particularlyintellectually expanse beginning of the awakening. It was basically the decision that I woulddirect my time and energy towards understanding the universe around me, as well as the onewithin everyone. I had a natural inclination towards the unification of theories, acceptedand taboo, rather than taking safety in one side or the other.This, I believe, was part of the welcoming of the experience.I was dropped off sometime around dark, possibly a few hours after, around 10-11-12 during the summer.As I was walking to my bed, from the door of my room (why not while I was walking up thestairs?), a tingling hit me half way across my room. It felt like the regular (regularlyunusual) shiver or spasm you get when you're getting comfortable, your muscles are veryrelaxed or you are stretching. Well, I made it to the bed, and collapsed face down. What Ithought was a shiver or tingle, expanded into a intensely vibrating kind of light energy inmy lower body around the beginning of my spine. I say light because when I closed my eyes, Ifelt I could literally see a circular ball of energy as if I was looking backwards into myown body, through the circuitry of the optic nerves, possibly the visual cortex and directlyperceiving sight of this energy that I most certainly felt through my body, physically.It's almost as if this light energy wasn't so much being seen, as much as it was literallyshining through me, from the inside out.At this point, I'm lying face down (probably should've assumed lotus) out of sheer shock,and I am beginning of seek understanding of what was happening. I know it's not a shiver, ifat least, an unruly out of control shiver. I know it's not something I've experiencedbefore, and lies within that realm of beyond the mundane, even though it's entirely normaland recorded in other societies (Eastern). Without the teaching of what to do in thissituation, I had no preparation other than a slight understanding of the abilities andpotentials of the energy of human consciousness.The energy made itself known because as I began probing my mind and my perceptions for cluesas to what was happening, a kind of awareness "opened it's eyes" within the moment of theexperience. I had the feeling I was experiencing something, that was coming from "someone",even if it was me, it was a whole 'nother part of me, complete with the ability tounderstand what I thought and a message to give.This was the "probing" part, after it "ignited" and made itself known, by default, it beganto "explain" itself. There wasn't much in the explanation as far as human terms (compartmentalizedobjectified linguistic structure), but simply a beckoning and a wondrous expansion of creativity andpositivity with a glimpse of a great unknown with the potential to be anything. It was aware, I couldfeel that, it literally responded to what I felt, based upon the energy I allowed to float around my head/thoughts. There was positivity, as it reacted with my fear almost as a parent to a child in learning how to swim, with love and compassion. Although there was the unknown, why and WHAT was actually happening. Then came the next dimension. To learn more, I realized I had to change the way I thought. To change the way I thought I had to continue with the experience. This energy was pretty much asking me if I wanted to continue. In a most sincere, loving, and caring way, it wanted to know if I was ready for the next stage.THE NEXT STAGE?! I had just realized I was dipping my toe into the largest, most active andpopulated body of consciousness I had ever seen. This energy was not only the most powerfulforce of awareness I had come in contact with (no fear, ultimate wholeness, almost ancient and eternal, great compassion, deep "KNOWING"/wisdom) it was aware of my awareness of it, and asking for my own permission to continue in the process. That is....more than I was prepared for when I woke up that day...or any other day.While this tingling, which erupted into a full on consciously loving, glowing, light energysitting in the base of my spine, began to almost sway back and forth as if going"one...two......" and building up for something. I was interchanging thoughts and decisionson a very deep level between my self/subconscious and this kind of all knowing consciousforce that was making it's self known in a very powerful way.This was sort of like the death process, death of ego maybe. I was making sure to say goodbye, to tie up loose ends in my brain, just in case I was literally dying. That is the onlysentence which will come to close to fully explaining the depth of this experience.It was so powerful. So intense, so mentally revealing, emotionally fulfilling and unraveling, and intellectually stimulating that I had actually confused the experience for the moment of my physical death. I wasn't sure, so as the process continued the natural occurrences took place. I became aware that I had to get rid of fear (almost due to the beckoning of this force, which was at the same time ensuring me that this was "important", "powerful", and basically not a toy) if I wanted to make the most of the experience and my life.So I took my ego aside and whispered, "This may be it." Of course that bounced off as sheerwonder and awe, creativity and compassion took hold. I didn't care if I died, I was in thelight, and there was something taking me into death. I wasn't dying alone, and my body felt like pure energy, floating in the air, totally free. Very abnormal for a normally physical and solid human being.This was the release, this was the what the beckoning force wanted, this was the process,the permission the "Ok, commence stage 2."The perception of "I may die.", "What is happening?", and thoughts like, "This is it." kindof slipped out of view after that. There was no time, it was happening forever and too fast.The energy exploded into a kind of roller coaster effect, a kind of magnetic resonance thatbecame "en motion", it became not only ignited, but full throttled. It began making it's wayin a swaying, resonating, vibrating manner, up my spine, and to the limit of what you wouldcall my perceptual ability.It was breaking the limits of my perceptual ability because this energy was not simple heat,not simply the feeling of another person around, it literally felt as if the hottest,lightest, brightest, most emotional, most aware/familiar, magnetic energy was dancing it'sway up my spine. It was galactic, it was every energy we are aware of on earth, and something more.This is not something you feel everyday, so as it continues, you soon find yourself in realmsof experience which push the limits of "You". It changes you, all within a few seconds tominutes, which are perceivable eternities into themselves.So the fear was removed, naturally by default. Creativity flooded in, compassion, awe, andlight. I could literally close my eyes, and witness this kind of bulbous glowing ball oflight in the back of my mind as if I was looking directly down my spine.Stage 2.I had relaxed, I knew this spiritual force was aware of me and in a way just another aspect of my own awareness. I knew this was a gift.This created a kind of yearning, an acceptance, and an act of "letting go" into the experience. I really couldn't do much else, other than roll around and possibly get up and run out of the house in hopes of throwing my own energy off and avoiding what was happening.This didn't seem very productive.Ok, let's move on...the glowing, thinking, loving ball of light that bounced into the baseof my body and beginning of my spine, grew from a tingling, into a ready to launch force ofa thousand suns. I gave the Ok signal, simply because it was either that, or choose to actunnaturally and run around or something else which I really couldn't imagine doing at the time.Note: I am still lying on the bed, motor skills are there but not very helpful as I am literally being impaled by cosmic consciousness, thoughts are accelerated/hyped, and then thinned/refined into the most important/serious and sincere state of mind one get's in during types of experiences such as these.Thus begins the rising of the Kundalini. It isn't as simple as it sounds.How does Kundalini "rise" anyway? Does one "Rise" it? Does "it" "rise"?Chances are, all of the above. It felt as if the whole action was based upon a magnetic polarity that was defined within my mind and was accelerated/increased (amplified) the more I began to "let go" and allow the experience to envelop "me".The recurrence of fear, "Oh no!", "I'm dying!", "I need to take a shower before I die!!!", etc etc, simply paused this energy and created another, "Ready?" feeling. Along with this, the feeling that this was not going to last forever, and the more I waited, the harder it would be to complete the experience in balanced manner would be. So basically pressure was rising and needed to be channeled/expressed/released, and the more I stumbled the faster I needed to run to catch up and gain control.All these random thoughts seemed to be the last hurdles of a consciousness preparing to leave the body, as if they were the walls of perception's last stand at keeping you, where society has trained you to think you are. Here. And now. In the body, in the brain, and separate from everything else. These perceptions seemed to be phantoms, ghosts of people, aspects of people, or aspects of my own personality and a life that seemed very far away at this point.. They seemed to be the last strings of a spider web that was holding me back from realizing my infinite nature.They broke.The energy was magnetic. It was not rising due to it's inclination to adhere to heights, it was being pulled as much as it was being pushed, in the same way gravity is not a pulling, so much as it is a local alteration of the fabric of the space/time based upon a factor of a measurable limit (matter/density).So I realized the very perception of this magnetism was a portal into a much larger view of the universe, that there were two universal forces in me, really one, split into two forms of expression. The energy seeking to expand, love, transcend, create, push, rise, and connect with every other aspects (of itself) all at once.And the potentially (non)universal force of my own identity struggling to understand what was happening, and keeping the magnetism at a distance, pushing the force down in the opposite direction, and struggling to avoid total annihilation (which is impossible, as You/I/We [I AN I] are eternal energy).The funny thing is, as soon as the fear slips out for good, that pushing, restricting, separating force, simply floats/blows up/unifies into a combination of that universal force, along with what was a secondary universal, but local force.What this means, perceptually, is that as soon as you start to accept this experience, the swaying back and forth motion of the conscious energy stops seeking to ask permission while waiting patiently with the power of the suns, and literally ignites into a full fledged BLAST into your brain stem through your spine.The middle point of this series of rising waves, is literally the convergence point of a wave function.Like the crashing of a wave, the breaking of the sound barrier, the reaching of light speed, all rules, functions, perceptions, variables and parts of this experience combined into one full extension and there was no possible way to stop it once it surpassed this point.This was as soon as it passed the middle point or above, of my spine.During the earlier "beckoning" (maybe introducing?, better word?) I had the feeling I could stop this experience by simply giving into fear. I couldn't stop it "Just because." There was no just because, there was only meaning and an expression of what was deep within me, if I stopped it, it would've been because I wasn't ready to go. If I continued, it was because I was either stupid and crazy (in not knowing what I was getting myself into) or because I meant to accept this (natural) task of moving beyond.As soon as you feel it, you can detect the magnetic presence, at a moment, it could shoot light years away never to be seen again, it could release it's energy throughout the entirety of the body blowing it to bits. The only thing it seemed it couldn't do, was simply sit there and loaf. It had a message, a window of opportunity, and power. So it was in motion and it was up to me to conduct.This magnetism seemed to be connected through my spine, as if the spine is one long polarity, connected to the polarity (mind/duality) aspects of human consciousness within the brain, possibly to do with the very nature of the chemical-electro circuity of the central nervous system.The near middle of it all (both the spine, and experience) seemed to be a switching point, from one polarity system, to the transcended aspect of that system. Instead of going from here to there, it seemed to transform into a more complex energy signature and experience at the halfway point. One that defies the limits of the previous polarity system.Instead of being seemingly magnetically anchored to my spine, it switched, and was not being PUSH/PULLED TOWARDS my brain. The poles jumped, and now I was fighting with all my might to hold this energy inline so as to not spill my brains into the next dimension. I'm not sure what would've happened at that point, whether physical death, vegetation, or simply the lacking of the fulfillment of the experience.It was at first beckoning, and asking permission, and now it was simply winking with a "you asked for it(in good humor)" or a "ready, here it comes" perception. That was the middle point, from something that might possibly be in your control if absolutely necessary, to being completely and entirely in the hands of God with no mortal in view.The transformation began, and continued ascent as soon as it hit this middle to middle high part of my spine. Maybe even the real beginning of the spine, as it exists in the first part of the outward arch.THIS, was the beginning. The first part of this experience was the puppet show, this was the curtain lighting on fire and the puppets turning into interactive, self-aware holograms sending out messages of higher dimensional light and love/unity and limitless perception and imaginative ability. Far out? It was simply non-local at the time, out of left field, from above, from within. Whatever it was, it was streaming in through all my perceptual channels.There was nothing that would've prepared me for the perceptions which followed, nothing more extreme and nothing more serene.It shot, up my spine, hit the midway point, and seemingly rotated and released with more energy than I thought I could experience; it's path was my brain stem. The energy rose in a beckoning motion about 2-3 times after it flipped the switch (which was due to my acceptance of what was happening). This beckoning motion was no longer, "It's on you to accept, be careful, this is powerful", but more like "Here it comes, after this next "wave" there's no stopping it, so get ready", and it was no longer in my hands.I suppose it really never was, that the perception of "Control" is just another illusion, although the acceptance of peace, is power and truly only decided upon by You.The energy peaked after hitting the midway, and transformed into a kind of trailing ball of fire that tickled my brain stem.The brain stem was the goal, the brain stem was home plate, it was the height of the experience. It was the doorway into really changing my world and connecting with the "me" aspect of my consciousness (as our bodies are "we", just the same as our ideas of ourselves held within the mind). I knew this, because I could only guess what would happen at the next transformation point, if the midway point kicked it up into such a high gear.It tickled maybe once or twice, like I said previously, with the involuntarily "warning" beckoning" to get focused and prepare as much as I can allow (by allowing), and then it happened.It made it home, to my brain stem, to my brain.There was no longer a kind of singular force, it was in the background now, watching, as if it was simply the carrier of the next phase. The magnetism was there, but at the same time balanced into the infinite expanded center.What I felt had happened, to my imaginative perceptions, was that the energy notified, became present, grounded, blasted off, reached the first slingshot/pole switch checkpoint, and launched on a one way ticket into my brain.As it reached the brain stem, it rotated once more, in a way I couldn't imagine without experiencing it, and turned into something strange. It was no longer a dual and then singular force, a spiraling energy moving up the channel of my spinal cord. It erupted. It exploded. Into infinity.It literally turned into a fireworks of light, sound, synesthesia, perception, color, motion, imagery, peace, relief, and eternity.What I literally saw was that ball of light grow and slingshot, and then turn into fireworks as it moved from the bottom of my spine, to the middle, into the back of my head, and then literally the cerebral cortex. Fireworks were going off, heat, light, sound, color. I was experiencing ashow in my mind, starting as the transfer point/explosion point in my brain stem, and movinginto a perceptual landscape in cerebrum and cerebral cortex, the front, imaging part of the brain.There was no religious aspect to it. There was no direction other than my own. It was holier than any form of religion I had seen, even the fully involved and energetic experiences. It was more powerful than merely observing chemical interactions from a distance or close. It was literally changing the way I perceived existence, based upon energy and consciousness interacting with my own, in a way that I was not aware of beforehand.There was simply the most powerful force I had ever experienced which started as a magnetic, conscious energy, and turned into literally the substance of creativity and light itself.I felt as if my brain space, the place you think, had literally been expanded into the cosmos with points of light expanding in all directions dancing around themselves carving paths into an infinite universe. As I record this now, I realize this is the creation of a universe, the birth of a world, and the expression of the soul and all it knows.I saw universes, galaxies, and stars as expanding points of light and fireflying fireworking networks of big bangs.Universally vast spaces were at mental finger tip distance. There was no fear, fear was not in my perceptual ability, not even the ability to laugh at those unnatural fears, as that too was limiting.I could only look forward. To what was ahead. What I thought, in between moments of this extreme perturbation of my mind, was, an apple.I literally wanted to test out whether my brain was still functioning, and I had envisioned an apple. I saw it floating before me, in all it's natural glory. A three-dimensional, shining red, growing, living apple.It was somewhere around this conscious violation of the flow of things, that the experience quickly came to an end.All the universes of before and after, all the consciousness of heat light and love, all the magnetism and energy simply peaked into an arch in or around my head and dispersed into the universe.I was left feeling jelly-like, relaxed, in awe, laughable, cryable, but able to do neither but look into my own eyes, through my own mental reflect-ability and wonder, "What?"It was a wonderful way to initiate the toughest parts of the waking up process.I knew what had happened, just not right there, and just not in the terms that I would soon learn to express what had happened.It was a kundalini awakening. No, it was my life. It was something that my outlandish thoughts, my ability to feel compassion where there was no necessity visible, and my intellectual probing of my own creative nature, had welcomed and built up for my entire life.It left me feeling like I literally couldn't believe the life I was reflecting, like I had glimpsed into the real universe. I couldn't unsee it, and I could only lovingly accept how I feared death and wondered if I would die before the experience had ran through. I saw myself in a new way, and felt different.I saw how the higher light literally dissipated fear, but only when I accepted it. I saw how this energy was magnetic, how the body and spine and brain and entire system was actually polarized in various "directions" to ensure survival. That to complete the system of physical expression and literally vibrate into an ascension one has to consciously "let go" of the polarity aspects (fear, limitation) and allow the collective organization of the organs and energy centers create a kind of "resonation" within the body and spirit that literally attunes one to the energies beyond this dimension or what you perceive as directly visible.I cannot tell which comes first! Faith or intellect, but both are required in this life.

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