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Forum Activity for @amanda2

05/15/10 02:24:31AM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

I do wax, and I stand behind the products, but I think everyone should choose for themselves. I just want to see everyone getting the same respect on this site, natural or not. :) Sister Rags said:
Amanda, hun...if you want to wax, wax. I'm most definitely not here to tell you, Amanda, what to do with your hair. I can only share my own experiences.

Bradillz, right on.
05/15/10 01:57:40AM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

I'm not sure what you mean by "dreads not being the issue" to me, but I can assure you I will not stand around and be looked down on because I don't have natural dreads. I have been respectful to all of you despite our differences on the subject and i'm not going to argue with anyone because that's childish and i'm not going to stoop to that level, that being said, maybe this is another example of something being said that you do not agree with so you shun it off and change the subject. Instead of looking at the facts you make excuses and insult people, how is that not comprehending the discussion? I think that summed it up quite well. Sister Rags said:
A JAMAICAN accent? Damn, now I AM insulted. NO. My accent, sir, was a frank imitation of some certain black AMERICANS I know. UGH.

SikTh_Man and Amanda, I don't think dreads are the issue with either of you. I'm on the verge of getting just plain, mean, nasty, and rude because I'm not sure how to say...uhh..."you're not exactly comprehending this discussion" in a nice way. Perhaps this: "Subtleties are being lost on you"?

Uh, yeah, so that's about it. You're both fine, just as you are. I will stay awake allll night, chanting that mantra to myself.
05/15/10 01:35:26AM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

Some people may do that, but I don't think you should say "everyone who doesn't have natural dreads thinks this way" because not everyone is like that, and you can't speak for everyone. My question, again, is why should the people who have natural dreads be respected more than anyone else? I get they endured some harsh things for their dreads but are people not discriminated today for their dreads? Yes, they are. I was just saying, about natural dreads being respected more, thats the impression I get by reading all these posts on this site. My dreads are not for spiritual reasons, but I do not see that as my dreads being less respected than someone who does do them for spiritual reasons, dreads are dreads, again no matter how they came about. My point being, no dreads are better than anothers, and everyone should get the same respect no matter if you agree with how they did their dreads or not.
05/15/10 01:16:28AM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

So basically you are saying people who don't have natural dreads aren't respected by the people who do? I find that very offensive, especially seeing how I don't think of any type of dreads any differently, only the way we all got there. I respect everyone with dreads, no matter the "type" but how do you expect people to respect you when you are talking negatively about dreads that aren't done naturally? No matter the reason behind every persons dreads, the way they got there, or their opinions on wax, everyone deserves respect, no matter if you believe that or not. soaringeagle said:
they are of no concern becauser they cant afford products? wtf? sure they are they are being made out to be undesireables because they dont wax and use products and yools to have boring dreads.. these are the people who are at the hight of connectiveness with dreading (awkward sentence not exactly whart im trying ti convey my brains mush remember?) these people have worn dreads for thousands of years they are the dread community and may feel fashion dreads are an invassion into a spiritual community they may feel people like me and rags havent earned our dreads because we dont meditate and do gyogas and fast and prey every mommebt of ther day.. before dreads became a fashion they were a way of life these people were and are the dread community and anyone whos less religfiosly opr sprotualy connected to dreads are a guest withi9n that community and should earn the resypect of the dread community by remaining natural as can be living a spiritual life as possible paying respect to those who are higher then us on a spiruitual path and trying to be just aliittle more like them in at least some small ways free of vanity and greed etc
by making natural dreads seem unaceptible or undesireable johnny is basicly slapping the real dread s]community in the face

what do you think a sadhu wg=hos grown dreads for 60 years theyre 20 feet long and he spends all day all his life in spiritual persuites thinks of a waxed crocheted felted and worked on dreads that took a day to make and 10 hours a weeek to maintain i can tell you hed think all that time was wasyed and the dreads were not earned

im not saying thast all dreads need to be grown im not saying made dreasds donmt desserve theyre dreads im not saying unspirutual people dont desserve respect to

im saying that if thety want to wear dreads they damn well better give utmost respect to those who sugffer and prey and spend a life in spirutual prsuites and profound poverty to rearn theyre dreads asnd stop acting like theyre so goddamn high an mighty because they can afford a comb and some gross sticky goop and can pay someone to make them look like they have some wisdom

thats what dreads were a sign of swisdom and spirituality not ws all they are is a cool symbokl a i smoke weed freakflag a im not a confomeist yet im, conforming so i wont stanfd out too muchj look

theres so much disrespect of the ones wyho truly desserve respect

05/15/10 12:26:55AM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

I agree with all of this post below. Might I add to what SE posted before this...Not everyone who uses products in their dreads do it because they think natural dreads are unacceptable, I personally like the way "Jonny dreads" as you call them look as opposed to natural dreads, but that's a personal opinion, so I would have to disagree that everyone who choose to use products in their dreads only do it to be accepted in society. SikTh_Man said:
The people who can afford it are those things can afford products for dreadlocks. If they can't afford dreadlock products, then they aren't a concern in this debate because this debate involves people who can afford those products, not people who can't. And those same people probably can't afford internet access, thus they don't even know there is a debate or about the experiment.
Sister Rags said:
It's interesting to me that in order to do the experiment as shown in the video one must be able to use/afford toilet paper, own or borrow a blow dryer, and have electricity. I wonder how many people in Trenchtown would be able to do that experiment...sadhus in India... the Nazarite in the mideast?
Not everyone gets dreads for spiritual reasons. Some people do it because they can't afford to maintain their hair, some people do it because they like how it looks, some people (myself included here) like having long hair, but don't like it going all over the place in a gust of wind. Regardless, neglect dreads aren't the only way to go, and all dread styles should be accepted, not shunned. Nobody like being talked down to from someone sitting on a high horse, and as sadly, I'm seeing a lot of that being done on this site. Sister Rags said:
Very interesting, thought-provoking. I'm really looking into my own dread journey more deeply as I am exploring the whys, hows, of dreading...who does it, where the people who dread live, spend their time, and what are their life experiences? What exactly is this journey about, and why are some of us called to be on it?

updated by @amanda2: 07/09/15 09:32:42PM
05/15/10 12:14:11AM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

Sister Rags:It's frustrating to see people deny facts, i'm not choosing sides but he proved his point. No matter what he does or says it will be shot down so whats the point in even doing this "debate"? That's your opinion, you like natural dreads, I like products, that's where we have to agree to disagree, and that's a choice each person makes before they start their dreads, but why does anyone expect for people to answer these questions when no one is going to listen? It's pointless.I personally don't see that as a "faulty design" but thats just me, if that's the conclusion you have come to i'm not going to try to change your mind on it.Either way, I think everything that is said by everyone on here should be taken into consideration instead of making excuses on why you don't think the experiment was done correctly, but I honestly don't think anything he says or does will be given a chance because most people already have negative thoughts about these products whether it be from personal experience or the rumor mill.
05/14/10 11:08:37PM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

This is what I was talking about the other day, he did an experiment and proved his point yet everyone is making these excuses as to why he is wrong when you can't argue an experiment done in front of your eyes. If you aren't going to look at facts why have the debate? And why have people waste their time answering your questions when you are going to put your fingers in your ears and claim to be right no matter what is said? Not to make anyone mad, but reading all this is frustrating. How many times can we go in these circles over and over about the same things? You can't argue facts.
05/11/10 07:55:50PM
8 posts

official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

Dread Products

Not to sound rude by any means but I have kept up with this for the past few days and judging by all the negative comments being made, I have a feeling if he had participated in your debate, or given you whatever answers you were looking for, you would have dismissed it or tried to disprove it in some way because you already have this preconceived notion about KJC and dread wax so what was the point in this besides causing unnecessary drama?
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