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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @ashley-walker

ashley walker
06/23/12 04:50:26PM
35 posts

Lice maybe?

Help! Save My Dreads

I hear that it was just inside of his dreadlocks that there were lice and stuff but where do people get that stuff.Anyways my dad checked my hair for ticks (cuz i was outside all day) and I'm sure he would've said if he saw any lice. And I did do the AVC rinse and nothing burned so I'm pretty sure I'm just super paranoid :) I also washed with tea tree and my head feels all releaved
updated by @ashley-walker: 07/23/15 03:24:36PM
ashley walker
06/23/12 03:27:13PM
35 posts

Lice maybe?

Help! Save My Dreads

okay, I've heard of some people just pouring on there without diluting it witch would be smelly probably.

ashley walker
06/22/12 11:33:04AM
35 posts

Lice maybe?

Help! Save My Dreads

Thank you guys ! Should I dilute the vinegar or just pour it strait?
ashley walker
06/22/12 07:52:43AM
35 posts

Lice maybe?

Help! Save My Dreads

This paranoia started when I saw this really small white ish bug on my bed, then I red something about lice and it just snowballed in my head

ashley walker
06/22/12 07:44:02AM
35 posts

Lice maybe?

Help! Save My Dreads

Hey, so i've seen a bunch of things on lice. I'm scared I have lice but i can't tell for sure. I had my friend check but it was hard for him to because of my dreads. My head itches but it's probably because i keep thinking about lice and i do have a little dandruff. I don't know what I should do, I'm so paranoid right now. I don't know anyone who has lice, if they do they haven't told me. and no one really touches heads with me, I don't wear hats, or borrow hair ties or combs. but just as a precaution Im washing with tea tree oil. However, I still don't feel secure about it. should I just treat myself like i do have head lice just to be safe? Is there something obvious that says you have lice? besides the itch and bugs and nits?

updated by @ashley-walker: 02/14/15 08:27:05AM
ashley walker
05/25/12 10:24:27AM
35 posts

Intro/Dread Story

Introduce Yourself

My mom used to say that stuff too, i feel like they're just scared of anything thats different. My dad gets in a bad mood if i wrap them or do stuff to them, he'll be upset at my mom for not trying to stop me. I don't understand it sometimes. I think it's more accepted as they start getting used to seeing you with dreads. because i think my dad forgets i have them so he gets upset when he sees me with my hair down

ashley walker
05/25/12 08:46:08AM
35 posts

Intro/Dread Story

Introduce Yourself

Hey! thanks for the positivity :)

and yeah I'll probably just let the back of my hair do its own thing. and I totally agree that the people judging my hair aren't worth my time, except my parents who are the main people criticizing me most, but they're coming around to it, my mom even complimented me once.

ashley walker
05/24/12 11:32:33PM
35 posts

Intro/Dread Story

Introduce Yourself

I'm Ashley, Im a guitarist, a vegetarian, a soon to be music therapist, a hopeless long boarder, a helper, a friend and I started dreading my hair around november 2 2011.

It was sort of a quick decision when i started dreading them, I had thought about for some time and one day i saw a video on how to twist and rip and i just started doing it.

I didn't do it all at once, i made a few every day or every other day. I wasn't going to dread my whole head but thats what ended up happening. My first dread ever is pretty thick now, which is awesome.

No one at school really knew what was going on with my hair, they didn't exactly look like dreads yet. My parents were pissed but, they're used to it now.

Along the way i started taking some out so the back of my head is not dreaded and right now I'm debated on whether i should just let them dread naturally or twist and rip them. The problem is that I have some revealing scalp back there (why i took the dreads out in the first place, along with some matting) but i figure if they're messy enough it'll be fine.

Around 5 or 6 month i started to want my old hair back, because honestly I had some nice hair, i rarely had a bad hair day, but everyone always sort of pushed me around on how I should do my hair (because i liked my hair strait but everyone liked it curly) and yeah it was my hair but it was just annoying, At that time i just missed running my hands through my strait hair. It was a point where my dreads were... deflating (?) but i got out of that phase, and now i freaking love my dreads and waking up and shaking my head a little then going about my day.

but yeah this sites pretty cool so i thought id join and share and ask question :)

updated by @ashley-walker: 01/13/15 09:26:47PM
ashley walker
05/24/12 05:10:15PM
35 posts

Food in dreads?

General Questions

hahaha tasty, I just figured that it'd stink up your dreads pretty bad and if food was like mold or wax in the way that there are ways to get that out of your dreads

ashley walker
05/24/12 04:42:35PM
35 posts

Food in dreads?

General Questions

Hey so i don't know if this has been a topic before but, what should i do if i get food in my hair like: ice cream, sauce, syrup, cake, etc..things that basically stay in your hair for a while. I know the obvious thing to do would be to wash them but is there anything else i should do incase this might happen?

updated by @ashley-walker: 01/13/15 09:26:46PM
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