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dreadlocks shampoo


Location: Kentucky
Country: United States

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&&& the journey begins!

album: First Year
streams: 163
video file: 17.9MB, 00:00:40

01/18/19 06:48:03AM @awigge0421:
Yeah, I spent a good amount of time hyperfocusing on it. I am glad I did because apparently the shampoo I am about to get is amazing. I can’t wait! I have a feeling underneath is going to knot up real quick. Are there other ways to keep hair separated other than just pulling them apart? I was thinking of rubber bands but I’ve read that those can actually be bad? I will keep everyone updated!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/18/19 01:37:20AM @soaring-eagle:

you'll love them and looks like it will dread beautifully!

you sure did your research fast and were off to a great start!

can't wait to follow your progress

01/17/19 09:05:17PM @awigge0421:
Washed my hair with a sulfate free shampoo. It wasn’t dread shampoo. Although, I did order my dread shampoo today. Goddess and dragons blood liquid shampoo!

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